
Top review highlights

Excellent legal representation and client care
“Jay and Emi are wonderful and helped my through a very difficult time in the best possible way. They were great at answering all of my questions and were patient, caring and understanding at a time when my life was turned upside down.”
Strong communication and responsiveness
“They were always incredibly quick to respond to our emails which made communication a breeze.”
Thorough preparation and attention to detail
“Emi did her homework and was extremely well prepared for court, where she was very organized and focused.”
Honest and transparent approach
“They were always thorough in explaining every single part of the process, the ins, outs, whys and potentials for every situation and scenario which gave me an unequivocal comfort level.”
Reasonable and affordable fees
“Their fee structure leaves no room for misunderstandings or questions. Their flat fee pricing really eased my mind and I ended up paying less than expected.”
Potential issues with handing off cases to other attorneys
“Not only was the timing an issue, but the way my case was dismissed by her without regard for my personal situation or circumstances was very disappointing.”
Challenges in complex or unconventional cases
“I believe Jay thought that my case was going to be a simple property division but quickly realized that I had a complicated financial divorce.”
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