Overall rating
14 Dec, 2022
Airene is the lawyer for 422 S Lake St, Los Angeles, CA 90057 apartments which is manage by Moss and Company Property Management. This woman attempted to commit fraud by serving us eviction notices for paid rent. She would not answer calls and claimed she had no papertrail of the paid rent. She purposefully would not let us pay rent to make it seem like we were non paying. After recording her and her staff at Moss and COmpany and confronting her with claims she made on calls and then claimed she never promised that, paper work would appear. Please see past reviews as she is know fro identity theft fraud and even attempted to make a case on behalf of a deceased person! How this disgraceful person continues to not be disbarred is a failure on behalf of the state. Airene we have multiple residents signing our letter to prove your fraudulent and bad faith acting behaviors.
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29 Sep, 2021
To save some time, we sought out this woman after being handed a letter saying that we had committed fraud (which was definitely not the case). When we arrived,not only was she visibly not interested at all about what we had to say, but was beyond disrespectful. She urged us to leave her office immediately and suggested that we were fraudulent and we couldn’t even directly work with her. She was everything but welcoming, never followed up about our case like she said she would, and still had the audacity to belittle us. I’m appalled at the way she treated us and hope that others see this review and think twice about working with her in the future.
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26 Apr, 2021
I Contacted Airene when her name appeared on a counterfeit looking court document delivered to my husband in GA 30 days after the documents "reply by" date by a homeless looking male. We believe it was meant for my son with a similar name. The name on the document was different than the envelope. Son was a victim of ID theft in CA. While he was still in college someone filled out a lease application in CA using his name, DOB, and social but everything else obviously fabricated. Email address was, claimed a wall street career making over $600k, he was a 23 yr old student. A criminal ring was responsible and an arrest of R. Carrasquillo, (case number 19HF0143) was made. Left her relevant information and asked for return call. She never responded. She represents and/or is affiliated with Valencia Associates LLC and Sierra Corporate Mgmt). They harass and pursue money from victims of Identity Theft. Assume it is for (illegal) write offs for REITS and/or personal gain. A quick reply or communication of any kind would have explained the situation. A modicum of due diligence follow up would easily confirm laughable applications used to place collection accounts on out of state victims, locate police reports filed by the victims, identify orange county detectives assigned to related cases etc. She should probably be investigated and disbarred.
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19 Mar, 2021
Airene's office represented me about 4 years ago in a highly contested custody matter. she vigorously fought for the custody of my son and I eventually gained permanent custody. My only issue is that her office is sometime hard to contact when she's at a hearing. Overall I'm happy with how everything turned out.
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12 Feb, 2019
I found Airene to be very frank, upfront, no bullshit kind of lawyer. She does not necessarily tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear. She is brutally honest and very aggressive, which some may find off-putting, but it is exactly what is need for my business litigation which eventually settled at a fair amount, after a year and half of fighting.
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14 Mar, 2018
I tried to get a specific explanation on a very confuseing billing statement. It took them 3 months to find the money i had already paid in their Paypal account. They would not listen and kept billing what was already paid.
I was told I was arguing and I was free to find another law firm. It was very difficult to communicate with this firm. Numerous times I was told (to find another lawyer) instead of takeing the time to explain what was happening with my court case.
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12 Mar, 2018
Absolutely the worst attorney ever in my opinion. She was admonished by the Judge for NOT following Nevada Revised Statutes. Airene promised me (and 20+ other shareholders) that she would get us a court ordered shareholder vote. Airene charged us all over $50,000 only to have our suit dismissed for not providing proper documentation. When given a 2nd chance to provide proper documentation, she failed again to do so, resulting in yet another dismissal. This is all in the court docket for all to see. Simply read for yourself the reasons why the Judge dismissed this case (twice). It's case number A-14-710091-C in the District Court, Clark County, Nevada. Also, when confronted about the billing, Airene had no clue as to how much she billed for this case. I have emails to back that up. She made numerous mistakes throughout this whole ordeal. Her office staff even went so far as billing the opposing party instead (an obvious mistake, but nonetheless showed how poor of a law firm Airene truly has and operates). So upset and disappointed by everything Airene ever did, thus I fired her and may plan one day to take her to court for malpractice. At the very least, I plan to report her to the Nevada Bar. I believe she has been reported to the Nevada Bar before for her many failures. Airene in my opinion simply does not know the law and I am truly befuddled at how she obtained a law degree. I'm serious about this. Even the opposing party had to explain to Airene many times the rules of civil procedure and/or had to explain the mistakes she was making regarding a few joint filings (and I have emails to prove that as well). Stay away from this bogus law firm is the advise I would give to anyone who would ask for it. She took our money and gave us nothing but grief (and 2 dismissed cases) in return. I would have given her ZERO stars out of 5 if this site permitted.
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18 Aug, 2017
She was great at consultation, once I signed on all she cared about was her money every month. Never received case updates.
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11 Aug, 2017
She gave me information on new laws that can apply to me to help me with my parole hearing
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