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4.7 201 reviews

Joe palacios

star star star star star
27 Oct, 2023
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star star star star star
27 Oct, 2023
I hired this firm for a DV Restraining Order Defense. They charged me $5000 immediately for a retainer then scheduled a strategy call with my assigned attorney 3 days later. Before my "Strategy Call" two separate people called me to do the same intake questions. The day of my strategy call no attorney called me. I called the firm and was redirected multiple times because the way the call center is set up you have to call the main line and then get redirected to your attorney, and if no one answers u do it all over again or they tell you they'll call you back then don't. Keep in mind you are billed for every call. I believe this terrible way of communicating is done purposely to bill you more. My "strategy call" was rescheduled twice. A week later I finally got a call from an attorney, at this point my assigned attorney had changed twice without me speaking to any lawyer. I complained and was able to get a direct line to my "team" for future reference. My case was clear cut and I had clear proof that I was innocent through text messages and other photos. My ex had fabricated everything. Although I was sure it would get dropped I hired an attorney because I use my firearms for work and I would loose them if I lost this case, so I played it safe. My attorney instructed me to write I response to the RO before a monday, he said that it was the deadline to file, I spend 2 days on it to be as throughout as possible and included all supporting documents and photos. I completed it 3 days before it was due. When Monday came I asked if they had filed it yet and I was told by a legal secretary that my attorney hadn't had a chance to look over it yet. And suddenly the "due date" was completely different. A week later 2 days before my hearing the response was finally filed, except it was shortened to a fraction of what it was and removed all photos and documents but 1. I told my attorney and "team" that it was important that I had those photos in the response , they even had me select my top 15. And they didn't use them. The day before my hearing I was informed that my attorney could not make it to my hearing but that they were sending a more seniored attorney to cover for him. I was upset because I had provided alot of info to my attorney for my defense and knew I would have to go through everything with this new attorney again at $600 an hour. The evening before my hearing my attorney was changed again , I found out when she called to ensure me that she had been involved since day one. Although I highly doubted it. She gave me a game plan and at the time sounded great. I felt confident. She told me she had the photos we needed for my case and would grill my ex at court and put up the photos for all to see. I finally took a breath. The day of the hearing, my newest lawyer showed up and did not look as if she meant business, her hair was unkempt and personally she didn't look too confident but she assured me she had experience. During the exchange of evidence my ex made rude comments to my lawyer and got under her skin, my ex is very rude and can do that. My lawyer was a little flustered but while we awaited to be heard by the judge she assured me she had this under control. Our case wasn't heard until the afternoon and when it finally came too we were short in time so the judge did not let us go through all the photos that proved I was innocent and said he would only review what was filed in my response. At that point I began to panic and think the worst , my lawyer assured me it was going to be ok. However, my ex continued to get under her skin and she became very flustered, her cross examination questions were horrible, she abandoned our game plan completely and before I finally got a small chance to speak I thought we might loose. I was incredibly angry and sad at the thought that my lively hood was about to change for the worse. Fortunately the judge was able to see through the lies of my ex and I won the case. These attorneys were horrible through out and cost me 11k. I would have done better on my own.
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Jacc savage

star star star star star
04 Sep, 2023
Google Maps

David garcia

star star star star star
04 Sep, 2023
Really good people lead me in the right direction in helping me getting custody of my daughter
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Mando delmar

star star star star star
04 Sep, 2023
Gabriel was very patient and informative. He was of great help
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Kevin cardiel

star star star star star
04 Sep, 2023
Gabriel was amazing clear and very understand
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star star star star star
04 Sep, 2023
Google Maps

Mike jackson

star star star star star
04 Sep, 2023
Good customer service very helpful I appreciate the information Gabriel gave me
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Shawn lopez

star star star star star
29 Aug, 2023
Helped without even committing great firm Thanks Gabriel
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Jaime martinez

star star star star star
29 Aug, 2023
Google Maps

Johnny chavez

star star star star star
29 Aug, 2023
I spoke to Gabriel briefly over the phone for some consultation advice, he was very polite. He called me back when our call dropped in the beginning of our conversationz I would have had to possible wait a whole day to retouch with somebody had he not try to respond to the call drop and move onto the next client. He was able to help me out despite the fact that I was out of their jurisdiction, and give me an options to other consultations that could possible help my situation. I believe his law firm has a good head on it’s shoulders, they were even willing to take my case if I really needed them , despite the fact that I live so far away.. I wish I lived closer to Los Angeles so they could be able to represent me.
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Joselynn s

star star star star star
09 Aug, 2023
The team is very professional and communicated well. My cousin really needed help, and they were so knowledgeable. Thank you guys!
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