Overall rating
Anna m marquez
07 Jul, 2012
At the time my ex-husband had custody of my 3 children, my son was living with me and my two daughters were living with their father but I needed an attorney to help me fight for me to have my 3 children together. I was desperate for an attorney looking everywhere, every attorney charging a fee for a consultation I didn't had the amount thanks to god I found Phatch, I was nervous at first but he did everything in his power to help me and my children have my 3 children. I can't describe in word but phatch his an awesome person,his understanding and pushes for the judge or commissioner to see the picture of the situation. now thanks to phatch my daughter's and son are happy to be together and not have to wait till is my time for me to see my daughters. My oldest daughter she can now go back to Maryland knowing her siblings will be happy and secure. I can't thank you enough Phatch I recommend him to anyone that have a custody problem issue.
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