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Heather mccormack
07 Nov, 2019
Melissa thornsberry
14 Sep, 2019
Knowledgeable staff!
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Bryon harritt
08 Feb, 2019
Kelsey martin
18 Oct, 2018
Greg and his staff are simply amazing !!I went into his office distraught confused and so stressed out Regarding a custody issue they were able to calm me down and give me realistic Expectations and Reassuring advice. They work with you on payments and are truly down to earth you want it done call Greg no messing around with this man. Small town we live in big business he handles.
Thankyou Kelsey
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11 Aug, 2017
Greg and his team have gone above and beyond to have my children returned to me in Michigan. Not living in California, I was able to rely on Greg to handle everything for me. I did once listen in on a court-call, and was very impressed with how Greg handled the court room, He was all business, just like I had hoped. The entire team helped reassure me throughout the entire process, as I was stressed out, not able to eat or sleep. They really gave me peace of mind, and then delivered. I will always be grateful to Greg and everyone in the office.
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Julie matthias
07 Aug, 2017
Hes always been there for me he's been my attorney for 17 years almost I would defiantly recommend him. I could not ask for a more honest attorney he will tell you straight how it is how it will be................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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Linda ernst
22 Jan, 2017
Agree with other views of Greg. Shame on me for not looking into his reputation before hand. He basically lied to me. Mine was a divorce envolving my inheiratance that was used to buy a house. My ex's name was put on deed later on in marriage. Greg told me over and over I would most diffinently get my inheiratance back from sale of house then split rest. I asked him at every opportunity if he was confident. He assured me everytime. That was a big LIE,cause when I put ex's name on deed means I gifted it to him. Well he never told me that at all. That was the only reason I hired a attorney for my inheiratance. Fastforeward 9 months mediator told me right off there was no chance i was getting my whole inheiratance back. Well he should have known that and probably did. Just wanted to suck money out of me. Also I have a suspiciousion he was working both sides. He never had proper paper work for court proceedings. Ex always told the judge he was never properly informed by Greg. And yes he was never aggressive in court. My ex did all the talking. Greg rarely said a word for my side. So I payed over 9,500 for nothing. I could have settled with EX without paying blood sucking attorney
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Kat pur
01 Feb, 2016
I could not agree more regarding the review posted 3 years ago. I actually read it before we hired him and just figured it was a disgruntled client who didn't get the outcome they wanted. After hiring this attorney for a child custody case that was so incredibly a clear cut, slam dunk, easy case, he completely dropped the ball because he did not take the time to do the work or familiarize himself with the case. The whole thing went completely sideways when it never should have, due to his negligence. There were constant oversights by his staff and when we would point out the oversights, via email or a phone call, they would charge us for it. Whenever you sat in the office with Greg to go over your game plan for an upcoming court appearance, you could tell he was only half listening and that his mind was in 5 other places. Even if you would write down important points or counterpoints for him to present at a hearing, he never did. He was not the slightest bit aggressive and there were many occasions in which we could have ended the case during a court appearance, but they always seemed to come up with a reason that it would "be best for us" to continuing the case. We were charged almost $7000 and finally gave up fighting for custody of all the children because we couldn't afford to keep going to court. Greg literally did nothing more than we could have done on our own for free. Now they are hounding us for more money every month, telling us the employees can't get paid unless we increase our monthly payment to $300 and threatening to take us to court to garnish our wages. We never had a formal or written payment schedule and we were told, by Greg, on numerous occasions to pay what we could afford. We have paid every month (but one) for over a year, always at least $100. I find it ironic that an attorney who advocates for the best interest of a child is so willing to take the money for food right out of their mouth. We now have to hire another attorney, pay another retainer, in order to finish what Greg never even started. Maybe for criminal law he is a good attorney, but, I absolutely do not recommend you hire him for any child custody cases.
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