
Top review highlights

Highly knowledgeable and skilled in immigration law
“Her expert knowledge and skill are the only reason my family and I are even here right now, and I witnessed all of the emails she sent and work she did to get our visa approved and even expedited.”
Provides excellent client communication and support
“We would often bombard her with questions and she always replied in an organized and timely manner.”
Offers flexible payment options and reasonable rates
“Her rates were very reasonable, and she allowed us to pay her a monthly payment plan to make the process more affordable.”
Personable and creates a comfortable client experience
“Although it was just a business relationship, it felt like a friendship! She is lovely and just to the point!”
Thorough and professional in case preparation and presentation
“Our process was quick and seamless, no doubt due in part to Liz's thorough and professional presentation of our materials.”
Some reviews focus on divorce services rather than immigration
“I've noticed many of the reviews are about divorce.”
Limited information on experience with other areas of law besides immigration and family law
“o clear quotes supporting this con, but the reviews primarily focus on immigration and family law services”
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