Overall rating
13 Aug, 2018
Mr. Pointer, was a wonderful lawyer and was there for me in court. I believe in him and his abilities. Came highly recommended.
Much thanks to Mr. Pointer
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Keith forster
22 Sep, 2016
Richard is not only a experienced Trial Attorney but also a man that has a heart of gold! Rich represented my wife in a case that had so much stinch of police corruption, and got much truth during the Preliminary Hearing by cross examining the witnesses. He had prepared many questions and delivered them so elequently yet brought out the truth and lies of the alleged Victim. Having been in law enforcement for over 28 years myself and seeing many Attornies who sell their clients down the stream, it was a breath of fresh air to have an attorney who really cares about unraveling the truth in a "deal making" DA office. Richard completely changed the course of the prosecution and drastically changed the case for my wife and 3 year old baby, who would have not seen his mother for years if Rich did not intervene for simply the truth! Thank you Richard! What you did for my family will always be remembered. You saved a wife, mother and little child from wrongful prosecution and many years of seperation! God bless you!
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06 May, 2011
Stay away from John Hinkle and Richard Pointer, this law firm will charge you an arm and a leg and you will get screwed HARD in the end. First of all he will fee you for everything on top of the $15K for hiring him. He is hard to get in contact with, I feel like when I see him he just doesn't give a flying crap about you or your case and doesn't even shake your hand. One time I went to court and he was never there! I had to go up to the judge and say "my lawyer isn't here to represent me". He lost my motion to dismiss, he is slow, old, and will confuse you while on the stand. look for someone else.
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