Overall rating
Tracy snead
22 Apr, 2023
20 Dec, 2019
I was referred to Michael Richter by Michael Kaplan, LLC, a worker’s compensation attorney in Colorado. (FYI - Mike Kaplan has been doing a great job with my husbands case. Unfortunately, he is based in CO and is unable to assist me in CA. This review is in no way a reflection upon him (Mike Kaplan) or his staff who have all been phenomenal.)
When looking for an attorney, there are a few assets/traits that I find are invaluable to have in this field -patience and an ability to listen well - especially when an attorney asks a potential client a question. Sadly, attorney Richter is lacking in these skills.
I reached out to attorney Richter to inquire about the validity and concerns regarding my case. His voicemail alone should’ve been a red light, as he point blank indicated he is interested in “broken leg or broken back” cases vs how my injury was sustained. Nonetheless, my injury was sustained at work, I am still symptomatic and being treated via workers compensation at my job, and Mike Richter came across as very rude, condescending, and as not wanting to even hear me out - which he didn’t. For each question he asked me, he interrupted me as I tried to answer. When I asked him to let me finish answering a question, his response was essentially that he didn’t need to hear it.
Again, very poor traits to have as an attorney and certainly not behavior that would assure me that he’d have my best interest or preservation of my occupation on his agenda.
Thus, I would not recommend this attorney as you likely won’t even be able to attain an actual consultation with him without being cut off, dismissed, or rushed.
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Russell zuniga
29 Dec, 2018
Zack tsuji
11 Aug, 2018
02 Sep, 2015
I injured my back at work in 2008. I found Mike Richter and he took my case when I came in to see him about 15 months later. Mike got me to good doctors who took care of me. The defense attorney wanted to take my deposition and because I was in pain, Mike drove from San Jose to Auburn so that we could have the deposition near my home instead of making me drive to San Jose. He did an excellent job of preparing me for my deposition so that I did a good job testifying.
He got me to a good evaluating doctor in Oakdale who was fair and honest as well. I believe I received a fair settlement from the insurance company because of Mike's work. My case settled in 2012.
I wanted to keep my future medical care open, so I settled by stipulations. The insurance company has been denying medical to me despite the fact that doctors say I need the care.
Mike did not let go of the case simply because he had been paid. He continues to fight the insurance company so that I can get medical care and in fact just recently filed a petition for penalties against the insurance company for bad faith claims handling practices. The company settled by paying me $2,000 and agreeing to provide the medical care.
I am very happy with Mike's service to me. He has helped me immensely and was even able to get approval for spinal decompression therapy for me. My doctor said that he had not heard of any other attorney being able to get that authorized.
Michael Richter is a good man. He's been a great attorney for me. He doesn't always tell me what I want to hear, but he always tells me like it is. I highly recommend Mike Richter as an attorney.
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01 Sep, 2015
I was injured when I fell at work and hit my head on a wall. For the first six months, the Insurance authorized little to no medical diagnosis or treatment. I have never suffered that much. I was alone, powerless and hopeless. Eventually my friends advised me to seek legal help.
I called many attorneys and found out some handle only Personal Injury but not Worker’s Comp. Amongst the Worker’s Comp attorneys I talked to, none took my case after hearing that I did not lost consciousness when I hit my head, despite the fact that I had CT Scan that showed cranial bleeding and bad cervical spine damage.
Then I reached Mr. Richter on the phone. He was very insightful. He understood my almost hysterical presentation of my injury. He kindly took me as a client while all other attorneys rejected me.
All necessary medical diagnosis and treatments were kicked off from that point on – while I believe my golden recovery period was unfortunately wasted, I surely know that I wouldn't be where I am without his help.
Mr. Richter most likely won’t win a Mr. Congeniality contest, but I have seen how he genuinely cares about his clients. My own case is waiting for the result of a trial and during the years since I retained him, Mr. Richter has received zero payment for his time and effort. Over the years I often did not understand what he was doing given the Worker's Comp system is unique on its own and hard to comprehend. I learned to trust him because he repeatedly showed he had my best interest in heart.
I would recommend him to anyone who needs help after an injury whether it’s a Worker’s Comp or Personal Injury case. He is capable and he really cares.
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26 Aug, 2015
I was reffered to Mr Richter in 2006 after I had a fall at work that resulted in a severe spinal chord injury. At this point in my life I was very skeptical of attorneys and the legal process as a whole. Of course with my pay being cut and my family struggling settling my case as fast as I could was my main priority. Mr Richter had explained to me numerous times that this would be a very long process. I still was not pleased at how long this was going on.There where many times that I felt I needed to hire a new attorney. So after about 4 years of doctors appointments and court dates here is how I feel now........ I was trying to blame Mr. Richter for all the delays and time I felt was being wasted when in fact it was all the insurance provider that was causing all this frustration I had inside me. In fact truth be told I fired Mr. Richter 3 times. I read an online post by attorneys whose message was simple......DONT SHOOT THE MESSENGER. After thinking about it obviously I hired him back Best thing I have ever done.In the end we reached a settlement that was more than I expected{this might not always be the case}. Mr. Richter is a highly intelligent and also a very caring person. Throughout this process I am happy to be able to call him a friend. Rest assured if you have an injury case hire this man just remember Rome wasn't built in a day. The process is made to break you down and give up, but as I have found take Michael J. Richter's advice be patient go to all your Doctors appointments{even if you think they are unnecessary} and in the end you will be better of having him on your side. This man knows how the insurance carriers work. He has great insight. He will be my friend for life. Best of luck to you all. Don't give up.
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25 Aug, 2015
Mr. Richter has been representing us through a traumatic brain work injury my husband suffered in 1998. Through all the medical appointments, subject matter experts, depositions, administrative court hearings, we have continually held the highest level in Mr. Richter's opinion and position. Thank you Mike!
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03 Sep, 2013
Do not Hire Michael Richter. Save yourself the head ache, waisted time and gas!
I had met with 4 attorneys regarding my personal injury/workers compensation case, previous to being referred to Mr.Richter by another attorney. The reason they referred me to Mr.Richter was because he handles both personal injury and workers compensation.
Upon hiring Mr.Richter we had agreed to open my personal injury case and leave the workers compensation case alone until a QME had been performed by the state.
The problem was that Mr.Richter took it upon himself without consulting me and sent my workers compensation agent a letter stating he will be representing me.
Upon hearing this news from my workers compensation agent I immediately called Mr.Richter to find out what was going on.
He told me he had decided to file both case, for time purposes to close the case faster. (IE. Less work for him)
I then responded that we had agreed to leave the works compensation case alone until after the QME which was discussed in an email between him and the attorney that referred me to him.
I also told him I was not worried about the time restraints yet more worried about him damaging the case and possible minimizing my compensation just to save himself some time.
Mr.Richter will represent you in his best interest.
He opened both cases to get paid ASAP instead of taking the time to allow the system to work itself out and file at the appropriate time insuring the client will have the largest compensation available.
He is not worried about what the clients needs or wants are.
For your own good I recommend shopping around.
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