
Top review highlights

Highly knowledgeable and experienced criminal defense attorney
“Scott is an excellent lawyer and a better person, he helped me perfectly 100% recommended. I will always thank you very much for everything ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ”
Provides personalized, compassionate, and attentive service
“Scott is extremely personable, professional & highly effective negotiating skills in Court! I would highly recommend him to everyone in need of superior & sound Legal Counsel.”
Achieves excellent case outcomes, often exceeding client expectations
“Scott worked miracles with my case and was extremely persistent with the DAs office which is why I ended up getting what was a felony reduced.”
Affordable and willing to work with clients on payment plans
“He even made payment arrangements to help me out! Like what lawyer does that?!”
Bilingual (English and Spanish) services available
“For my spanish speakers only no se dejen enganar por esas radios que promocionan puro raters es pura promocion hagan bien sus envigastiones pidan ayuda esaa radios Latinas son bien mentirosos y les meten miedo si ay esperanza solo que nesecitas encontra un buen abogado de confianza poreso yo les recomiendo a Scott Bentley tambien habla espaรฑol no mucho pero lo sufficiente para ayudarte en tu caso.”
As a result of the analysis of reviews about this lawyer, no significant cons were found.
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