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Venkat yendluri
14 Nov, 2020
Franklin D Azar's team provided excellent service. Highly professional, very supportive (to guide me considering my first time journey), clear expectations and constant communications.
I wanted especially acknowledge Tim Smiertelny for his relentless efforts and great customer service. I also want to thank attorney Sean McCrary for his timely inputs and assistance.
It was a pleasure working with you Tim and Sean. Good luck.
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Amber soliday
11 Nov, 2020
I had the pleasure of working with Greg Dowty, an attorney that works with Frank. From the very beginning to the end every one was very helpful. They cared about my well-being and wanted me to get a fair settlement. I didn’t know the first thing about protecting myself against the insurance companies. They handled every bit. Greg put me at ease and showed a genuine interest in making sure I was going to be ok. I highly recommend the firm and Greg to anyone looking to hire an accident attorney.
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Joe rageface
11 Nov, 2020
Greg dowty was great helped me out
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Elizabeth brooks
05 Nov, 2020
Patrick dressler
05 Nov, 2020
Seth noreman
03 Nov, 2020
Eurydice apollo
02 Nov, 2020
Don’t expect this “amazing customer service” unless they take your case. If they don’t take it, you get brushed off and quite literally yelled at by a paralegal.
So unless you have a case that’s over 5/6 figures and will make them money, don’t bother unless you want to be verbally assaulted by someone because you’re wasting their time.
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Veronica gibson
01 Nov, 2020
I was lucky enough to get Dylan Unger as my attorney through Frank Azar and he did us very well in getting what he thought my case was worth. I am so happy with how communicative and dedicated he was to my situation! Thanks Dylan and the Frank Azar team!!
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Hh ll
23 Oct, 2020
One of the lawyers didn't do their job right
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Kala wood
21 Oct, 2020
Sean church
21 Oct, 2020
Jorge zarazua
14 Oct, 2020
No me ayudaron, me consiguieron menos dinero del que me ofrecía la aseguradora, lo cual no acepté, y solo me dicen "pues ya no le podemos ayudar y le va a llegar el bill a su casa" luego me hablan de parte de la clínica para decirme que ya no me representan legalmente, y ahora no me contestan llamadas, la abogada NUNCA se comunicó conmigo y un tal Josué se portó muy grosero. Mejor busquen otra firma de abogados.
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