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4.9 1276 reviews

Lucia nazario

star star star star star
07 Nov, 2015
No puedo recomendar lo suficientemente al abogado Albert Quirantes y a su equipo de defensa. Sus excelentes servicios y su notable dedicacion a sus clientes me han dejado verdaderamente impresionada. He tenido el privilegio de utilizar su experiencia en dos ocasiones, y ambas experiencias han sido simplemente excepcionales. Mi primer encuentro con Albert Quirantes fue cuando necesite su ayuda para un miembro de mi familia que enfrentaba graves cargos legales. Con su experiencia y enfoque estrategico, el Dr. Quirantes logo que se desestimaran todos los cargos, brindando un inmenso alivio a nuestra familia. Su amplio conocimiento de la ley y su incansable defensa realmente marcaron la diferencia en nuestras vidas. Recientemente, me acerque a el en busca de asesoramiento legal. Para mi sorpresa y gratitud maxima, el Sr. Quirantes no solo se tomo el tiempo de hablar conmigo personalmente, sino que lo hizo sin cobrarme nada. Su disposicion para ofrecer su experiencia sin obtener ganancias financieras demuestra su genuino compromiso de ayudar a otros a navegar por las complejidades legales. En la oficina de Albert Quirantes, Esq., siempre me han tratado con suma amabilidad y respeto. Todo el equipo es increiblemente amigable, y su disposicion para ir mas alla al responder todas mis preguntas es encomendable. He interactuado con varios abogados de esta firma, y todos han demostrado profesionalismo, atencion y una profunda comprension de sus respectivas areas. Sin embargo, es el excepcional trato de Albert Quirantes hacia sus clientes lo que realmente lo distingue. El enfoque personalizado de Albert Quirantes y su dedicacion inquebrantable hacia sus clientes han dejado una impresion duradera en mi. Su capacidad para escuchar atentamente y brindar consejos solidos es un testimonio de su vasta experiencia y compromiso para lograr los mejores resultados. Posee el conocimiento, la experiencia y la compasion necesarios para navegar el complejo panorama legal. Con su apoyo, puedes confiar en que estas en manos capaces. Gracias, Albert Quirantes, por tus servicios excepcionales y por tratar a tus clientes con el maximo cuidado y respeto. Tu dedicacion a la justicia y tu compromiso para ayudar a otros son verdaderamente encomiables. Estoy agradecidoa por el impacto positivo que has tenido en mi vida, y siempre seré una unrgullosa defensora de tus servicios. !Cinco estrellas sin duda alguna!
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Aqc pool services inc

star star star star star
06 Nov, 2015
muy buen abogado ,excente reputacion se los recomiendo .....
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Rodolfo hidalgo

star star star star star
06 Nov, 2015
Si usted se viera algun dia en problemas con la ley yo le recomiendo que llame al mejor de los abogados Albert Quirantes. Se lo digo por experiencia. Gracias Quirantes, de un cliente satisfecho.
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Christopher mackenzie

star star star star star
06 Nov, 2015
This is the lawyer to hire if you find yourself unfairly accused of anything by anyone. Take it from me, someone falsely accused me and Mr Albert Quirantes got on the case and did not let up until he proved my innocence. He does not stop until the job gets done and he does it right
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Efrain velez

star star star star star
06 Nov, 2015
Yo estoy muy contento con el Dr. Quirantes, que en solo dos dias he tenido resultados muy buenos despues de contratar sus servicios. Es una persona carismatica y muy enfocada en su carrera criminalistica. Me ha hecho unos muy buenos arreglos de pago. Tambien es muy amante de los perros. por eso me cae muy bien tambien. I am very happy with Dr. Quirantes, who in only two days gave me great results with my case after hiring him. He is a charismatic person who is very focused in his criminal defense career. He also gave me very good payment terms that I could afford. He is also a dog lover and that's another reason why I like him a lot.
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Geilys garcia

star star star star star
06 Nov, 2015
Éste abogado es muy profesional. Representó una persona muy cercana a mí en un caso en los cayos de la Florida. Cuando entró en la corte a defender el caso el juez y los fiscales simpatizaron mucho con él. Él habló y el caso fue desestimado. Se ve que este abogado es efectivo en sus defensas y es respetado en las cortes. Nos atendieron muy bien! Gracias abogado Albert Quirantes.
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Valentina marr

star star star star star
06 Nov, 2015
I might be worried about my case but Albert is super positive about it and is determined to do anything he can to expunge the case.
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Mery saad

star star star star star
01 Nov, 2015
I have used attorney Albert Quirantes at the ticket law center to defend me and my husband on traffic citations for years. Our employees all swear by this attorney. He always finds a way to send us a letter telling us, "your case is dismissed". We've never had a fine or court cost to pay. With the high insurance rates that insurance companies are charging in Miami these days, you need a lawyer that will save you money on the fine and court costs but also wipes the ticket off of your record. That's Albert Quirantes. Thank you for years of good service.
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Rashad whyce

star star star star star
27 Oct, 2015
Alberto Marino Quirantes is an excellent attorney, he really help me get out of a bad situation. I was falsely accused of domestic violence, charged with battery and taken to jail where I was held for a day before being release on bond. I just started my career as a web developer and knew that a mark like this on my record could affect my job placement in the future. I called Alberto Marino Quirantes after I was released from jail to try and clear my name. Mr. Alberto Quirantes has over 20 years experience dealing with cases like mine, I have done lots of research before choosing Alberto Quirantes but after reading all the positive reviews and case statistics I choose him to represent me. I am happy to say that the case has been dismissed. Mr. Quirantes was very professional during my meetings with him and I always left his office feeling I made the right choice. He really delivers and he will be the attorney I will be contacting if I ever face anymore legal trouble. I recommend Alberto Marino Quirantes to all my friends, family and anybody who is facing legal trouble and needs legal representation.
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M romero

star star star star star
27 Oct, 2015
This lawyer has represented me in two traffic accident tickets where I was unfairly ticketed. He went to trial and I was found not guilty on both cases. He then did something with the dmv and had the entire event wiped from my record. Helped my insurance rates keep down. He did an improper change of lane and "case dismissed" was what his letter said. A speeding ticket was also dismissed. No court costs or fines in any of these cases. He is now fighting a red light camera case I just gave him and I have no doubt he will do the right thing. Nice guy too.
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Ajani francis

star star star star star
27 Oct, 2015
I want to see this lawyer to help me with a traffic speeding ticket and needless to say, he is now my lawyer forever. Great service.
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Nashanta forrest

star star star star star
27 Oct, 2015
Ive been Albert's client for over 17 years, when he won a jury case for me. Hes always there when you need him. Great lawyer. Trust him with your life.
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