
Overall rating

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5.0 12 reviews

Alex alonso

star star star star star
21 Mar, 2016
Dianne Jauregui has represented me in both family law and criminal law matters. She is an excellent attorney, very knowledgeable, smart, effective, tough, and most importantly she wins!
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star star star star star
11 Mar, 2016
My boyfriend never paid my child support and I had to drop out of school. The state does'nt listen to me nobody ever does but she did. Within just like two months of being with Dianne I stood my ground and we got them to grant automatic withdrawals from his payment and straight into my account. Happy happy ex!
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star star star star star
10 Mar, 2016
I needed some help to see my son he was just born and my friend Zeke told me that word on the road is that this lawyer was a good one for stuff like that so I set up an appoitment. Im a trucker so its not so easy for me like for other folks to make it to any time but she was pretty good at putting mine at times that were good for me. I will be telling other truckers about her for sure because lots of us are going through the same darn thing with our wives not letting us see our kids and sayin how we are not the real really sucks but im glad she helped..
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star star star star star
08 Mar, 2016
Esta abogada fue una tremenda ayuda en mi divorcio. Mi esposo me queria dejar con casi nada y estaba haciendo a mi vida casi imposible por que el no se queria separar de mi. Yo estoy muy agradecida que ella pudo sacarme de esa situacion y obtenerme todo lo que pedi.
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star star star star star
04 Mar, 2016
Let me tell you this right now...Dianne is the best eveeerrrrrr! Thanks to her I was able to walk away with all my money from my divorce. My wife wanted to take my money and Dianne did not let that happen. We fought the prenup that was clearly biased and I was able to walk away unscathed. Thank you Dianne!
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star star star star star
03 Mar, 2016
As corny as it may seem I knew she was the attorney for me from my first appointment!! My crazy ex wife wanted to take my kids away from me and move away but Dianne did not let that happen! I was not scared for a second with her! She did an amazing job and always kept me up to date with anything going on in my case. Hands down best attorney i couldve asked for!!
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star star star star star
02 Mar, 2016
Ella me ayudo con mi problema de un divorcio. Mi esposo me queria dejar con casi nada, y ella me ayudo a virar las mesas y pude ganar mas de lo que esperaba. Ella sabe trabajar con el sistema efectivamente. Cuando ya yo pensaba que me iba a quedar pobre desde el divorcio, por ella fue que gane mucho dinero y hasta me pude quedar con porciones grandes de nuestros teritorios. Que maravilla es ella!!!!
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star star star star star
29 Feb, 2016
I have had experience with so many different attorneys regarding my child custody case. I must say, she made me stop looking. I am so grateful to have had her by my side through such a difficult process. My crazy husband was trying to take my children away from me and I was running out of things to do. She was worth my every penny and I am now living free from fear. Everything I wanted out of this case was accomplished and I owe her thanks for that. Five star lawyer!
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star star star star star
26 Feb, 2016
Dianne was clear and blunt with me from the very beginning. She explained everything that would occur and all of my possibilities of the outcome from the very beginning. She made my divorce a fairly easy process in terms of the system. She maneuvered the case and was able to free me from giving up most of my belongings in the separation. She is worth every penny and her charisma is contagious. Her follow up calls never left me in the dark and there were never any hidden fees. Best divorce attorney I could've ever hoped for.
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star star star star star
23 Feb, 2016
I was Dianne's first client ever, going back to when she was only in Hialeah. I been with her since I was only 18 with my first charge. I keep running back to her whenever I get into trouble. She always got my back no matter what I've been charged with. She never let me down
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Mirielys p

star star star star star
04 Nov, 2015
Yo estoy muy muy muy satisfecha con los servicios brindados. Su trabajo fue excelente y ahora mi vida se siente mucho mas relajada gracias a ella. Puedo asegurarme que mi caso estaba en las manos perfectas
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Sergio s

star star star star star
08 Oct, 2015
Ella es la mejor abogada del mundo!! Ella y su esposo son los mejores!! Estoy extremamente agradecido a ella. Cada kilo fue buen usado. Fue muy paciente conmigo y siempre estaba disponible para explicarme detalles de mi caso. Yo me sentía muy seguro y su confianza en sus abilidades me ayudaban calmarme cuando estaba nervioso. La mejor, claramente!
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