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01 Mar, 2017
Hello, I recently received my medical records on February 28th from the law firm Vastola & Kirwan, P.A. that were looking into my malpractice case. Upon receiving my medical records back, the envelope was not sealed at all and now I'm missing sensitive records which includes my social security number, home address and details of my past surgeries. I called the Law Firm Vastola & Kirwan, P.A. and asked to speak with “Guy” but I was told he was longer with the law firm so then I left a message for someone to call me back. I then called the next day on March 1, and left a second message. Later that morning Mr. Jeff Vastola returned my call. Mr. Jeff Vastola asked what was the issue and I told Mr. Jeff Vastola that my medical records were sent back with the envelope wide open and there were missing sensitive records. Mr. Jeff Vastola said that he wouldn’t know how that would have happened because that was not the way they would return records. I told Mr. Jeff Vastola when I sent them my records to his office I sent them certified with a return receipt because of the importance of the information it contained. Mr. Jeff Vastola asked if there was a cover letter and I told him no. Mr. Jeff Vastola then asked if I wanted copies of all of the records to be sent to me because all records are scanned into his computers and I told him no because I could always ask the previous law firm for the originals which in fact was what I sent Mr. Jeff Vastola law firm in the first place. I then told Mr. Jeff Vastola that my worry was that I have sensitive medical records lost and that I was afraid of someone stealing my identity. Mr. Jeff Vastola, said he couldn’t do anything for me. I told Mr. Jeff Vastola that if I have any issues of someone stealing my information that his law firm would be accountable. Mr. Jeff Vastola then accused me of extortion, I told him no that’s not what I wanted in any shape or form, only that if in the event that my identity was ever stolen that he would be held responsible because he represents his law firm and the careless manner in which my records where sent back. Mr. Jeff Vastola snickered at me and laughed and had no remorse or even show any professionalism. I can’t believe how Mr. Jeff Vastola has treated me. I’ve put my trust with the law firm Vastola & Kirwan, P.A. with my horrible medical ordeal and expected more but unfortunately I was wrong. At the end I was hung up on.
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