Overall rating
23 Oct, 2024
Excellent at writing bills and asking for more money via phone. Funds that are accumulated in your account will be completely drained to zero in the next bill. Invoices / bills seem to match the account balance or exceed with no balance remaining. Paul demands to be paid in advance and wants a positive balance in the account at all times. Working class people cannot afford to; nor are they accustomed to pay for legal services in ADVANCE, try that as a restaurant, a doctor, a plumber or a mechanic...not sure why any lawyer should operate in a different manner. My numerous medical problems / bills, auto repairs and hurricane Debbie and Helene damage to my home have drained me financially, and although Paul said he understood; he is most interested in his next payment...all about the $$$$. Paul uses all the correct words in conversation, but it is the actions and the billing that speak volumes to me as a former client. To me it seemed like he was charging me to keep him on a retainer as I got billed excessively after sending him emails relevant to my case as I wanted to keep him informed of the ongoing issues relevant to the case. When I explained to Paul that I would send more money after our call and when I got a bill, he became defensive and was upset explaining that he cannot operate that way. Although I always paid Paul every cent I owed him, he seemed insulted that I did not send him $$$$ before our upcoming scheduled phone conference later that day. Verbal legal information provided by Paul costs you dearly, and a phone call can cost up to $300 to get answers to relevant case issues. When you ask for copies / documentation of the staff meeting minutes that you are charged for on the bill... you won't get them as they did not happen. Last bill I got charged $5 for postage and his office never mailed me anything. Documents provided to him by Dept of Labor were not forwarded to me by his office, I missed a DOL appointment as I did not know where to go and with what Doctor it was scheduled as DOL did not send me the information. Pauls's time clock runs very fast, and he will mention midway through a call that we are 15 minutes into a conference call and after the call, the entire call according to the cell phone timer was less than 13 minutes total time. Although Paul Felser may have helped some people, he provided me some very expensive advice, did not forward DOL documentation, did not see my case to completion and was most concerned about extracting monies from my account. Paul mentions while is talking to you about the time that he spends preparing in advance by reading case notes before the next call and gives you the impression that he spends a lot of time preparing for each call in advance of each call. My impression on several occasions was that he had not read what I had sent him and was shooting from the hip as specific questions that I wanted answers to were not always addressed. Photo shows a youthful and energetic young man fresh out of law school, I speculate that this photo it is at least 30years old and not indicative of the elderly and moderately grumpy attorney focused on $$$ that you will be dealing with.
There are not many Workman's Comp lawyers in the SAV area, and you are rolling the dice selecting Paul Felser to represent you especially if you cannot afford to spend at least $300 a month at minimum in your legal account with him. I do not have a lot of experience with other lawyers to compare, but as a 60 year old disabled veteran I can state that I am not pleased with the service that I received from Paul Felser. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend Paul Felser as a Workmans Compensation lawyer based on my experiences and the return that I got for all the money I spent.
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26 May, 2024
Paul Felser is a do Lawyer who just take you money,I would think this is malpractice.
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30 Dec, 2023
Amazing!!! Was able to get all my benefits back and then some. The staff was so helpful in a very hard time in my life .
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30 Sep, 2022
Very dissatisfied
Never have I dedicated so much time and money to prove my on the job injuries with no compensation hiring this attorney. I cannot with a good conscience recommend this attorney.
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11 Dec, 2020
Do not hire him! The only time the guy will talk to you is when it’s time to get paid. And he loves to tell you, he’s gonna give you a little homework to do. No sir you’ve had homework, now use it. He is awful! I am preparing to fire him and hire someone else.
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04 Jun, 2019
You pay Paul Felser to do nothing. He makes you do all of the work. You collect all the documents. You prepare the packets. Seriously, my doctor was confused as to why I was getting all my papers instead of his office that I gave a release of HIPAA form to. I was told by the doctor multiple times that they have never had patients go through the work Felser required me to. He calls you only when he wants to collect money. Otherwise, you have to wait to speak to him. He doesn’t even the balls to call you when your claim is denied. If you contact his office, they will tell you to set up a conference call to discuss why your appeal was denied. Just another call he will charge you $350 for 10 minutes? You will even be charged up to $20 for their office to send or receive a fax! Comical, really. He is a crook and a con. He will tell you he is preparing you for an oral hearing, then right before the hearing say, “Well, it will be another $1250 for me to represent you in an oral hearing, or you can pay around $850 for me to walk you through a written appeal.” And don’t expect to get a word in on the phone. He talks right over the top of you. He does not give one lick about you or your case. He gets paid regardless of your outcome. You’re better off doing the appeal by yourself. Save your money. If you’re a federal employee, bring your appeal to a congressman. Do not waste your hard earned money on this quack.
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04 Jan, 2016
MR Felser took my case when others said no or it was a long shot, my base pay was not as high enough to fight for my rights. All attorneys are expensive and seem to nickel dime you to death, but Paul was willing to allow me to contribute to keep cost down and let more than capable people in his law firm help me. Since 2012 to present he and his team have help me achieve a positive out come and fight DOL. He is a honorable, intelligent person of high character. You take a chance to win when you fight but you always lose when you don't
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25 Dec, 2015
Looked around for a federal workmans comp lawyer in Georgia, they are few and far between. Hired Paul Fesler against my better judgement because just in talking to him for a few minutes he seemed a little rude and shady. He does very little to help you. After you hire him you have to call the legal aid in order to speak to him and he'll get back to you in a few days, but when it's time for billing you can call him directly. It's almost like a scam. They charge for everything from faxing a piece of paper to just speaking with them. Do yourself a big favor and do it yourself. There is NOTHING he can do for you that you can't do yourself. A huge waste of money.
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17 Dec, 2014
After many years working with Paul and his staff, I have found to trust them as they truly are looking out for you. It's a big scary world when Work Compensation accuses you that you don't have an injury when you spend your days at home suffering. The government has it's own doctors that question your health after seeing you for 20 minutes. Your own doctors have treated you for 20 years. You need someone with the common sense, the intelligence to express to the world what you are going through, you need Paul. You need to be informed of your rights, you need Paul. And when they do take away your benefits, because government thinks it's right, you'll need Paul to get them back. Government is there to ware you down daily, take away your hope to provide for your family, to ultimately destroy you, physically and emotionally. Paul and his staff are there to stretch every dollar to it's full capacity . They have done an excellent job with what little money I can give them. I recommend Paul Felser and Ellen as they are truly genuine caring, intelligent, courteous people that you deserve to have working on your case.
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28 Feb, 2014
Very Disappointed,
Mr. Paul Felser an attorney of Savanah, Georgia has been in business long enough to know that the government Department of Labor (DOL/process of reporting an injury) does not properly handle work injury cases and they dispute your claim every step of the way without proper justification. Processes are created involving time restraints that are next to impossible to keep. One government agency does not give you a copy of the police report in time to meet the time limits of DOL who rejects your case and this lacks justification and has held up my case proceeding in a manner that it should have.
Mr. Felser charges very high fees and in my case I did not receive the correct case analysis from the DOL representative. In my case we presented all the facts. The police report stated with eye witness that I was pushed. Evidence of prior injuries that occurred while I was in the Army was given for review. My Doctors report stated that due to being pushed it aggravated by preexisting condition. I have been suffering with this condition for years and was told to live with the pain is better than an operation. After being pushed I was sent home while there was an investigation. I know neck pain and I know when my neck pain has been aggravated. Why did I wait so long to see a doctor? Here DOL puts time restraints on when you have to have information sent back to them and they have time restraints on when you should or should not have reported to a doctor after an injury. People have had neck and back injuries and years latter all of a sudden then became crippled. What took them so long to get crippled? Why did they wait so long? Maybe they should have been crippled sooner? At the point of being crippled is when the doctor will operate. I was not crippled; I was in pain at home like I was directed to do. Several years ago the Army doctor told me that he would not operate until I lost movement in my arms and legs. Even when my pain was elevated I still did not lose movement in my arms or legs. I went to the doctor after I was following the procedures of DOL when reporting an injury at work. That documentation proved the DOL representative with information from my doctor as to the existing condition of my neck. Still that was not enough to prove a causal relation between being pushed and the aggravation of a preexisting condition? This system is broke.
Look at attorney Paul Felser’ s web page and see when he last won a case. Also if you compare the way FECA processes work injuries and the way the State processes work injuries you will see a big difference. Paul Felser has a gold mine, he gets paid either way. There are ethical questions that go along with what Paul Felser is doing. I think an attorney would fight a little harder if there his or her money and time invested in the pursuit of justice. That is why there are so few FECA attorneys because they would breach ethical values if they took money from a client and lost the case all the time knowing the process is broken and corrupt. Your best bet is to use your local Union for advice. The current government process that handles claims is an internal process without external review it will be and is a broke process. The government will tell you what is wrong with you; you and your doctor have no say so in the process. The government has the say so (authority) and that being said, that is that, like it or not, that is the way it is…. said my attorney Mr. Paul Felser. Felser is in the business of making money weather he wins or loses cases. As long as he gets paid, that is what counts in the long run, not his clients rights because the system as he said, is what it is. In fact the process favors people like Attorney Paul Felser who losses a vast majority of his cases. He has confidence when you first speak to him, but later he will ask you what we should do and he is supposed to be the one experienced in law.
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Jonathan doyle
17 Aug, 2013
this lawyer only cares about money. I couldn't even tell him my situation because 10 minutes into falser wants to talk about payment and this lawyer falser has been my lawyer on my ongoing workers comp case so I had to fire him.
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