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5.0 20 reviews


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04 May, 2012
Zach Hesselbaum provided elder law services to my mother and my family regarding setting up a will and trust for mom, the application process for the VA aide and attendance benefits for Mom (that we had no idea was available to her), as well as assistance with applying for Medicaid. Zach responded to my many questions in a very prompt and professional manner. After my mother's death, Zach provided the advice and direction our family needed, again with great professionalism and fairness. I highly recommend Zach for assistance with any elder law matters. Not only is he knowledgeable; he is also patient and caring. We felt very comfortable having Zach handle everything.
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Lisa g.

star star star star star
01 May, 2012
Zach walked me through the whole process in what needed to be done to help with my Grandfather's affairs. From the beginning stages and even now that my Grandfather has passed, I know I can always go to Zach with questions no matter how small they may seem. He really made this process easy for me to understand. Everyone in their office is always professional and pleasant on the phone. I would definately recommend Zach to anyone who is in need of setting up Elder Care for a loved one. Thank you Zach
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02 Feb, 2012
If you are looking for a lawyer that will set your family at ease, Zach is your man! Zach is the definition of nicest guy you ever want to meet. He is easy to work with, personable, down-to-earth, with great social skills to match. Zach accommodated our needs,not only in the office but also by traveling to the hospital for signatures of my 82 year old father when he wasn't able to travel. He made all of my family, especially my Mother, feel comfortable in the decisions made. All of my parents Trust work that needed to be fixed because of living in 2 states was handled and explained to us.All VA , medicare and long term planning concerns were worked through so my parents could make sound decisions. Our ongoing questions and concerns are addressed promptly and efficiently.I never hesitate to call when there is a question about what needs to be done to keep everything correct for my parents Trust.Being Trustee is a daunting task for anyone to take on but having someone like Zach to lean on makes the decisions much easier to make. We have never regretted going forward, with the Law ElderLaw firm. The whole team at the firm really impressed us. They were approachable, professional and results oriented. We are grateful to have Zach working for our best interests and very appreciative of the results obtained.
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16 Jan, 2012
We used Elder Law for my wife's grandmother as she had the beginnings of Alzheimer's and we needed to find her a good nursing home and we had no idea about how any of this worked. Zach explained all our options - financial and general knowledge. Pointed us to the right places. We couldn't have done it without him. He was very good with communication, helping us understand what was going on and the timing of things and followed up with us to ensure things were going as we wanted. I highly recommend Zach.
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Jennifer pugh

star star star star star
23 Dec, 2011
Zach has been very informative, understanding and compassionate to his clients. I will often hear his clients say how he was able to put their concerns at ease, as well as being a genuinely good person. Zach's expertise with the VA pension and Medicaid planning truly helps seniors and their families understand the importance of long term care planning. Zach is organized and always has time to answer your questions and concerns. He is a wonderful resource and I am honored to know him.
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Home helpers oswego, illinois

star star star star star
15 Dec, 2011
As owner of Home Helpers, I use Zach as a great resource for my clients. His expertise in elder law is unparrelled plus he simply is just a great guy. Zach cares for all of his clients and each one of them he builds a relationship with to understand his clients needs and he ensures that all of their needs and questions are handled accordling. I would highly recommend Zach to any of my clients or my family.
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11 Sep, 2011
We were referred to Law ElderLaw by Rosenthal , Starling & Associates in Louisville, KY. My father-in-law was already in an Illinois nursing home for several months. It was apparent the family needed help, but due to the logistics involved, it seemed an overwhelming and impossible task. Zach Hesselbaum was assigned our case and immediately became our Savior! After several free consultations over the phone, Zach presented his plan/design via phone conference. With patience and guidance, he walked us through each stage of implementation. He was very efficient, thorough, knowledgeable, confident and responsive. He made a daunting task….seamless. Our plan is ongoing, adaptable and all inclusive. We trust Zach thoroughly and know he is working for us now and in the future. If you are looking for an aloof, pretentious, “lawyer type”, Zach in not your man! Zach is the nicest guy you ever want to meet. He was so easy to work with, personable, down-to-earth, with great social skills. Zach accommodated our needs, by traveling over 60 miles for signatures. He made all of my family, especially my ill Mother-in-law, feel comfortable in the decisions made. Our ongoing questions and concerns are addressed promptly and efficiently. We have never regretted going forward, with the Law ElderLaw firm. The whole team really impressed us. They were approachable, professional and results oriented. We are blest to have Zach working for our best interests and very appreciative of the results obtained.
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star star star star star
30 May, 2011
From my initial introduction with Zachary J. Hesselbaum he was knowledgeable and informative When Zach met with my 91 year old mother to sign the Powers of Attorney, he was patient. He explained the documents. He took his time and answered her questions. Ma remarked to my husband and me in the car, after our appointment, that she liked our choice. She said she felt comfortable in Zach's presence and not awkward as she had anticipated. Zach made himself available. He answered all my questions in a timely fashion. I would call him with a list of questions every few days. Some of my questions were intelligent; others were nonsensical. No matter what I needed to know, Zach would go down my list with me. And, of course, many of his answers only prompted me to ask more questions. However, before we said goodbye, I was given the information I needed to move ahead toward completing: the Medicaid Application, locating a Supportive Living Facility for Ma, protecting most of her assets for her future needs, and dealing with Ma's house that had a Reverse Mortgage. The turnaround time for telephone calls, documents, papers to be notarized, were quick and timely. Zach directed me at every phase of the process to organize my mother's estate. His professionalism never waivered. Yet, he continually asked about Ma and how I was managing gathering years of documents for Medicaid and residential placement. Zach is calm, smart, positive and exact. He also has a great sense of humor which definitely helped lower my blood pressure. I found a Supportive Living Facility promptly; Ma was interviewed and put on a waiting list of about four months. The Medicaid Application was moving right along. Gee, this is easier than I thought--with the right attorney! About two months later, Ma was hospitalized. The doctors and I agreed she would need rehab and Long Term Care. Discouraged, I called Zach who offered support and comfort. Plan A went to Plan B. I forged ahead, found a Rehab LTCF and had Ma taken off the wait list at the SLF. The change to Plan B generated more questions about costs and the filing of the Medicaid Application. And,Zach remained in character: unflappable, kind, supportive, concerned and knowledgeable. I have worked with lawyers both personally and professionally. Profesionally, my contact has been in the fields of: real estate development, insurance underwriting, and the criminal/juvenile law system. Zach is not just a lawyer. He has heart. He is a whole person. Needless to say, I recommend Zachary J. Hesselbaum to anyone who is looking for an Elder Law attorney! I could not have traversed the complexities of my mother's estate without him. .
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