03 Aug, 2020
We hired her has our attorney. She helped us with everything we needed. She does it with the knowledge and caring heart she has. She is very professional in everything she does. We would recommend her to anyone who is looking for a family law attorney. She is one of the best attorney in our area.
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01 Aug, 2020
No one enjoys this process and quite honestly I had the impression Whitney was going to be the only attorney my ex and I were going use for the divorce. I was going to hire her to draw up the paperwork - no need for another attorney ...until he hired someone (who may have had zero experience in this arena) and everything changed. Obviously things changed and became ugly, but through it all Whitney was my rock - my go to. I hate to say it but I definitely abused her with stressed out questions because of threats I was receiving concerning everything from my kids to living arrangements. She always answered and was so professional but calming. Is that a normal trait in a lawyer? I don’t know if I would have made it through that year without her, she was amazing. Hiring a hometown girl with the knowledge of any big city firm is the best decision anyone can make in this process.
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31 Jul, 2020
From first consultation to a final settlement hearing, Whitney always protected the best interests of my children and myself through a divorce process that proved much more tumultuous and difficult than anyone could have imagined when it began. Although nothing about my personal situation was able to be handled cooperatively, Whitney remained professional through all of the other party’s attorney changes, failures to submit needed information in a timely manner, and delayed court dates due to his lack of preparation. After 2.5 years of working with Whitney, I was thankful my case was finalized. However, it was a bittersweet day knowing she had helped me through one of the most difficult phases of my life, and now our time working together had come to an end. I cannot imagine working with anyone else through such a trying situation.
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31 Jul, 2020
In the beginning of my proceedings it was revealed my ex had hired an attorney from a neighboring county who was charging ridiculous fees that he justified by saying he believed the divorce would be “contentious.” I did not expect that to be the case, but holy $&@; was I wrong! And of course that attorney thought I should be responsible for paying him as well.
My ex spent the next several months asking for everything under the sun. That was accompanied by multiple threats, Facebook posts, you name it. As this was my first (and hopefully only) divorce, I freaked out on multiple occasions. I did not know what to expect. I feared that after 16 years of seeing them every day that I would now only see my children every other weekend. I feared I wouldn’t be able to financially support myself. I didn’t know up from down.
The good news is, Whitney did know. She knew everything and was more than just an attorney, she became a calming presence that I desperately needed. Whitney sat me down. She explained the process. She showed me the calculations of best and worst case scenarios of the amount I would have to pay for maintenance and child support. Her knowledge not only helped me keep my head up, but it also enabled me to take the high road and not have to sink to my ex’s level.
Perhaps the most comforting part was knowing Whitney was familiar with my case inside and out. My ex’s large law firm, however, was another story. They seemingly traded her off and had new associates show up to court that really had no clue where we were or how we got there. When Whitney and the opposing attorney stood before the judge regarding who would be responsible for the other party’s legal fees, the judge asked why my ex chose to hire a more expensive firm from a neighboring, larger county. The opposing attorney shrugged his shoulders and said it was a referral. Whitney quickly added that it was solely because my ex was convinced this attorney would get her the maximum payday and I would have to pay his fees so it didn’t matter to her what they charged. In the end, I only had to pay around 10% of the other attorney’s fees.
If you are reading this, it must mean you are about to go through, or you are contemplating, a divorce. I feel for you because it sucks. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. I could go on and on with multiple examples of how great and reassuring it was to have Whitney represent me. Unfortunately, this review limits the number of words I can type. But also know this. Your search is over. Hire Whitney and thank me later. It will still suck, but Whitney will make it as pain free as she possibly can. Her professionalism is unmatched, you’ll have no worries of your personal business being leaked around our small community. Whitney also has a big heart and she will work her a$$ off to give you peace of mind. Best of luck.
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25 Sep, 2019
Whitney helped me finalize my divorce this year and was very attentive, kind and courteous. She made the whole process as painless and quick as possible. Whitney would keep me in the loop of where we were in the process as well as reached out to me to see how things were going. She always had the kids and I's best interest at heart. Thank you Whitney!
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17 Sep, 2019
Whitney was amazing to have by my side through my divorce and I would highly recommend her to anyone. She always kept me updated and very well informed. She was very time efficient and offered emotional support along the way as well. With her help and guidance, the whole process went quick and smoothly.
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10 Sep, 2019
Whitney handled my divorce earlier this year. The whole process took less than one month. She and her staff were courteous, professional, informative and prompt. They always let me know where we were and what was next. I would highly recommend her services!
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07 Sep, 2019
Whitney was able to get my custody modified and child support dropped. I was very satisfied with how she handled my case.
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