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4.9 15 reviews


star star star star star
07 Aug, 2021
I was given Lucas Figiel phone number by a close family relative, who referred him as one of the BEST lawyers in the area. The moment I spoke to him, I felt like I was guided the right way. He is very honest and will tell you his honest opinion and give you the best advice. I no longer need to consult with anyone regarding legal issues since Lucas has answers to them all! I highly recommend him to anyone going through any type of family matter!
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star star star star star
15 Jul, 2021
We have worked with Figiel Law offices for several years over a handful of issues and they are fantastic. Both Lucas and Nick are no nonsense, bright as can be and will have your back. Their fee is reasonable and I truly can’t recommend them enough. It’s nice to know you have someone in your corner who understands the law and will do their best to help you in any legal situation pertaining to Family law.
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star star star star star
05 Feb, 2021
Lucas Figiel is the Family Lawyer that you want to represent you. He is intelligent, focused and thoroughly professional. He handled my Transfer of Venue with no problems. Highly recommended!
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star star star star star
18 Jan, 2021
Doswiadczenie i kompetencje Lukasa pozwola ci przejsc przez rozwod bezbolesnie! To doskonaly adwokat ktory jest wart swojej ceny. Dziekuje za wolnosc i niezaleznosc. Polecam jego rzetelne i profesjonalne uslugi !!!
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star star star star star
26 Oct, 2020
Right off the bat, Lucas comprehended complexity of my divorce case. Multiple discoveries, and most importantly the truth that was hidden from me. Lucas was very professional, with expertise, knowledge, and years of experience. The relationship and trust was instantaneous, by providing different outcomes in my case I was able to prepare my self when situation arrived. Lucas guide me through my divorce like father helping his son ride a bicycle for the first time. There was no surprises, nothing that would knock me off my track, he prepared for possible outcomes or variations and adjust accordingly. When you putting your life, your future, in someone's hands, let that be Lucas Figiel
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star star star star star
04 Jan, 2020
I feel I am required to post this review should another father find themselves in my shoes. I hope whoever is reading this realizes your not the first and you will not be the last to go through this. I am posting this review because my family has survived an experience I would not want an enemy to experience. My middle daughter mentioned that I tugged her ear as a means of reprimanding her in a CPS school. Before I knew it, DCFS was involved, and for the first time in my life I found myself on the offender side of the law. The situation became far worse when my wife was compelled by DCFS to obtain an order of protection in order to prevent our children from being forcefully placed into foster care. This compounded with financial difficulties present in my marriage catapulted my marriage into divorce. The dreams and aspirations which motivated me to provide for my family were were replaced with negative concerns of trying to piece my life back together. DCFS defense is a niche field, All I know is I was drowning in fear. I had “dug myself into a bigger hole” with DCFS and had a “founded finding” this meant ZERO parenting time. A No contact order of protection made reconciling my marriage impossible. Lucas just kept telling me “take a chill pill” and was not phased by any of my problems, he saw them as tasks on a to do list that had a positive result of separation. I threw another wrench into Lucas's work by requesting that this NOT end in divorce. He sighted past experiences and said anything is possible but it all comes down to your wife's decision. In time the DCFS case turned into an unfounded on an appeal. After more then 60 days of not having seen or hearing my children's voices I had visitation. Do not speak to anyone without speaking to Lucas first. Fast forward, I spent the most beautiful Christmas and new years with my wife and children. Figiel's invoices were more then fair when compared to the other lawyers I am still paying on and regret having met. In my field, I see many rendering services that may appear more affordable per hour, but the best value comes from efficiency, usually due to having the right tools or knowledge from experience. Figiel has the right tools and knowledge from experience.
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star star star star star
08 Jun, 2018
Trafiłem do biura Łukasza w momencie,kiedy potrzebowałem prawnej pomocy w sprawie alimentów,które płaciłem na moje dzieci.Znalazłem się w trudnej sytuacji finansowej i nie mogłem dlużej płacić alimentów w tak dużej kwocie.Pierwszy raz spotkałem polskojęzycznego adwokata w Chicago,który byłby tak rzetelny i rzeczowy jak Łukasz.Oczywiście wygraliśmy sprawę w Sądzie a ja pierwszy raz przekonałem się ,że można zaufać adwokatowi:).Zawsze wszystko na czas,zawsze konkretne odpowiedzi na moje wątpliwości-słowem profesjonalista w pełnym tego słowa znaczeniu,a przy tym "normalny" człowiek.Po 22 latach pobytu w Chicago przeniosłem się do Europy.Potrzebowałem jednego dokumentu od Łukasza.Jeden e-mail z zapytaniem do niego,na drugi dzień jego odpowiedź z potrzebnym mi dokumentem!To się nazywa solidność.Zdecydowanie polecam Łukasza wszystkim zainteresowanym oraz ostrzegam tych,którzy będą go mieli za przeciwnika:)
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Jan l.

star star star star star
27 Mar, 2018
I am very satisfied with his service. Professional, knowledgeable attorney and most of all on time when you need him. Great communication. All my questions were answered and explained. I was very satisfied with the results. Great job!
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star star star star star
26 Jan, 2018
Lucas Figiel is all you need if you need a family lawyer. Last year I decided to leave my abusive marriage and get a divorce, I hired Mr. Figiel to handle the divorce procedure. My than husband was determined not to allow the divorce and tried to make this process as difficult as possible; fighting every aspect of the divorce from custody to child support and dragging the process as much as he could. Lucas stood by me throughout this long divorce process, always giving me the correct advice and support every concern I had. Mr. Lucas achieved the results I was hoping for; my two kids live with me and my Ex-husband paying a fair amount of child support. I’m glad Mr. Figiel was on my side throughout this difficult time. Marzena
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star star star star star
05 Oct, 2017
Jako klientka Łukasza Figla, uważam, że jest on absolutnym zaprzeczeniem mitów i plotek krążących na temat adwokatów, o których mówi się, że chcą wyciągnąć z klientów jak najwięcej pieniędzy i ciągną sprawy w nieskończoność. Nic podobnego mnie nie spotkało a plotki okazały się zwykłymi plotkami. Łukasz swoje usługi świadczy bardzo profesjonalnie i rzetelnie a do tego jest bardzo miłym życzliwym człowiekiem. Nie jest “urzędnikiem dostępnym tylko od poniedziałku do piątku od 9-tej do 5-tej”- w trudnych sytuacjach jest dostępny także o innej porze. Kiedy potrzebowałam jego pomocy w weekendowy wieczór- Łukasz mi tej pomocy udzielił. Jako ofiara przemocy domowej w pewnych sytuacjach “traciłam głowę” – Łukasz mówił mi wtedy dokładnie, bardzo rzeczowo i konkretnie, co mam robić. Uważam, że wybranie go na mojego adwokata było najlepszą decyzją w całej tej koszmarnej i nieprzyjemnej sprawie rozwodowej. Jeżeli szukasz dobrego, mówiacego po polsku adwokata, gorąco polecam. Bedziesz miał(a) z nim świetny I bezpośredni kontakt i napewno nie będziesz żałować.
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star star star star star
09 Aug, 2017
Lucas work hard for me on child support. I happy I hire him as my lawyer because he is smart lawyer. He speak polish good so I understand my case. You always hire lucas for good decision.
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star star star star star
23 Jun, 2017
Lucas eviscerated my ex-wife. Lucas protected me against false allegations in a request for an order of protection. I ended up with our home and money from her 401(k) and eventually obtained sole custody. Our daughter lives with me and my ex-wife pays me child support. I am not responsible for any transportation related to our daughter. Lucas is very effective, loyal and professional. I would highly recommend his services.
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