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5.0 113 reviews

Ana groza

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02 Apr, 2020
Great experience working with Marazan Law L.L.C. Mr. Daniel Marazan works with dedication,promptly and professional.He uses his knowledge and experience to prepared me to became an American citizen.Just great things about this firm.I highly recommend Marazan Law L.L.C.
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Abou camara

star star star star star
24 Oct, 2019
I first met Mr. Daniel Marazan (Dan) when I accompanied a young lady to his office to act as an interpreter. At first, I was not impressed because he seemed like a young inexperienced lawyer but Mr. Dan proved to be anything but that! We were received in a manner that I was not accustomed to even though I have been in countless law offices in the carrying out of my duty as interpreter. Because of Dan’s compassion, his strong attention to details, his comprehensive knowledge of immigration laws, I immediately decided to hire him for myself. I have had a long and complicated immigration history and Mr. Dan helped me when many other attorneys were not willing to take on my complicated case. Mr. Dan was a beacon of hope for me and his other clients. It is not an exaggeration if I say that our expectations were immensely exceeded by his approach, the quality and results that Mr. Daniel Marazan provided. In light of everything I have said above, I am confident without any hesitation to recommend Mr. Dan because of his excellent judgment, people and research skills, and compassion. A. Camara, former client
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Georgina halcomb

star star star star star
22 Oct, 2019
Dan helped us through the process and made it simple for us. Wished he still here in Milwaukee. We need some help again.
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Bogdan pacev

star star star star star
10 Oct, 2019
Domnul avocat Daniel Marazan m-a ajutat la procesul de aplicare pentru obtinerea cetateniei americane. M-a ghidat la complectarea formularelor necesare, la obtinerea informatiilor complectarii acestora si mi-a explicat care sunt pasii interviului propriu-zis. De asemenea, m-a indrumat ce trebuie facut dupa ce devin cetatean american pentru obtinerea pasaportului american al fiicei mele minore, lucru care ne-a economisit timp si bani. Colaborarea cu Dl. Marazan a fost simpla si eficienta! ÃŽl recomand cu toata increderea! Attorney Daniel Marazan helped me with my american citizenship application. He guided me through the application, gathering all the information required and prepared me for the interview. He also told me how to get a passport for my daughter so we didn't have to spend more money and wait longer for immigration. Attorney Marazan was very helpful and easy to work with.
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star star star star star
06 Oct, 2019
Mi experiencia del trabajo que realizo el abogado de Migracion, Daniel Marazan conmigo y con mi familia, fue increible la energia y la buena dispocision que le dio a nuestro caso nos llevo a la realizacion del sueno Americano asi que ahora podemos viajar afuera del pais, estudiar, y tener todos los privilegios como residentes permanentes. 100% agradecidos por su honestidad y su etica. Working with the Immigration Attorney Daniel Marazan, was an incredible experience the work he did for my family and I was full of great energy and great disposition that he gave personally gave us the opportunity to accomplish the American dream so now we are able to fly out of the country, study, and have all the privileges as permanent residents. We are 100% greatful for his honesty and work ethic.
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