
Top review highlights

Highly knowledgeable and experienced attorney
“Kathryn has offered outstanding advice for everyone in my immediate family. We are extremely grateful for her concern regarding our legal needs.”
Responsive and available to clients
“Anytime I have called or e-mailed her she had promptly gotten back to me.”
Provides clear guidance and direction
“She has been very helpful in giving me direction and expert advice.”
Trusted and recommended by other professionals
“I am comfortable referring patients to her for assistance, as I know they will experience high-quality care.”
Compassionate and dedicated to client's well-being
“She was always looking out for my well being and I trusted her completely.”
Unresponsive and unavailable at times, especially near trial dates
“At first she was very responsive, but as we approached our trial date she became less and less available.”
Potential gender bias in handling cases
“I'm guessing if I was a women she would have put real effort into my case, but I caution and father who wants to get equal time with their kids and equitable division of assets to avoid her.”
Charging high fees and not providing payment plans
“I actually withdrew my divorce filing with Kathryn due to her retainer fee of $2,500 which she charged me after the initial free consultation but having done nothing otherwise. There was no payment plan.”
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