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Google Maps

star star star star star
4.9 83 reviews

Salazar gomez

star star star star star
10 Nov, 2018
Incredible knowledge and fine representation of a woman.
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Zaira atherton

star star star star star
09 Nov, 2018
You are my spirit animal KZ. Your diligence and intelligence is inspiring.
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Alyssa s.

star star star star star
07 Nov, 2018
Google Maps

Florian martinez

star star star star star
05 Nov, 2018
Google Maps

Shannon kellesvig

star star star star star
04 Nov, 2018
I started watching Making A Murdered from day 1. Just from watching it there was no evidence that was solid on Steven and Brendan. Then I saw they came out with Making A Murder 2. I was so excited. Watching Kathleen on this case is amazing. She is such an inspiration to women. Shes so driven and doesnt give up. Shes a amazing person. Keep up the good work and cant wait to see Steven and Brendan walk out of prison.
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Joan pinnell

star star star star star
04 Nov, 2018
Google Maps

Kristine meinhardt

star star star star star
03 Nov, 2018
Kathleen Do you suppose all the Judges and Attorneys of all levels State and Federal of the United States are watching and following you? I believe they are! You will set new precedent to all! God speed this case!!!
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Serena freer

star star star star star
03 Nov, 2018
Keep up the great work!! You are amazing!!
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star star star star star
03 Nov, 2018
Google Maps


star star star star star
01 Nov, 2018
Google Maps

Israel levi guedes teixeira

star star star star star
31 Oct, 2018
Google Maps

Iwill tellu

star star star star star
30 Oct, 2018
KZ, I truly believe you were hand picked by the good Lord Himself to bless this Earth. Your work is superb! You are goals! Please do not ever stop!
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