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4.8 974 reviews


star star star star star
22 Jan, 2018
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Jose varible

star star star star star
16 Jan, 2018
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Vu phan

star star star star star
13 Jan, 2018
Very professional, the best lawyer in town. Mr.Kola get the jobs done and deal with all my cases.
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Teresa bianucci

star star star star star
08 Jan, 2018
It wads great
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Ana regis

star star star star star
24 Dec, 2017
Yo encontre su anuncio en un periodico de la Iglesia de Mante Carmelo y me parecio convincente por su renombre pense que tenia experiencia y fui a su consulta no me gusto algo de el no hablaba español y tenia una secretaria. Bueno decidi pagar mas al fin de obtener buen servicio y comenzamos el me prometio que me ayudaria en mis problemas criminales y que el conocia de leyes criminales y de immigracion que me recomendaria a un buen abogado luego me manfo llamar para otra cita y siempre solo preguntaba por el dinero cuanto le abia llevado esta ves y que decir del caso que yo era una criminal porque alli decia el papel y ya. Volvi mas tarde y le reclame la losta de abogados que me abia prometido solo me dio un numero donde si llamabas sonaba un ruido o mas nadie contestaba. De regreso se lo hice saber se quedo atonito y me dijo eres una criminal y pagame y yo yo le hiba dando dinero por ultimo me pidio unos papelea para la corte y yo se los lleve a ultimas horas no los acepto y me dijo te veo en la corte y no lleves nada mas y el juez pregunto por los papeles pues el me dijo solo presentate no lleves nada mas y eso dio lugar a que no me dieran mas tiempo en los estados unidos aun asi el juez dijo yo le di tiempo para lps diez años ya los tiene y que esta pasando aqui ella aun tiene los cargos y estan cambiados sin ser culpable la inculpan y dejo otra fecha de corte y ya en la otra fecha el abogado me dijo no no neceaitas nada solo precentate entonces yo mande la documentacion por correo y el juez se habia pensipnado asi que ahora me estaba atendiendo ina juez y mi abogado Alkola no llego nunca y manfo a otro abogado en su lugar y este igual me dijo no hay nada que hacer vete del pais en silencio. Y deapues te llamo pues nunca llamo y cuando lo busque dijeron que estaba de vacaciones por lo tanto no podria atenderme. Hasta el 2018 regresaria y los casos no podran ser atendidos hasta entonces. Me quede pensando es una firma de abogados no entiendo nada. Y si ellos si cobraron y solo llamaban un dia antes de la corte o ese dia urgentemente para pregintar por el dinero. Yo tengo 15 años para demandar a este abogado corrupto que me prometio ayudar aconsejar y solo me recibia diciendo que se te ofrece eres una criminal mas numca fui atendida como lo que se me prometio mi herror fue pagarle casi todo el dinero la primera consulta. El es un sucio negligente. Y esto no debe dejarse asi. Alli mosmo more varios casos que los trata igual por eso hace consultas para que la gente no se platique nada no tengan tiempo de nada. Mi gente cuando tengan problemas hay abogados en centros comunitarios que si los apoyan y son latinos como el centro español busquen ayuda en su comunidad nunca vayan con este tipo de gente.
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Suleman tariq

star star star star star
15 Dec, 2017
Hired him for multiple citations. So far have met all my expectations. Very honest and knows what he is doing!
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Edgar gaitan

star star star star star
12 Dec, 2017
I was recommended to this lawyer, and when I walked in, the secretary was nice and helpful, but behind that desk the lawyer is just looking for money. He was on his computer looking at pictures complitley out of the topic and NEVER had eye contact with me as I walked in his office, until later when I asked him a question, wich I will tell you by the end of my review. He also had his iPhone flat on his desk looking at a text message. I was in his office for about 1 minute when he asked me if I had any questions about my case before we saw each other in court, STILL staring at his computer, so I asked why he wasn't paying attention to know about my case and he sed, all surprised and finally having eye contact with me, that he was looking at a calendar and quickly closed the page only just after he realized I saw his screen and then finally locked his iPhone. And I told him that if his pictures where more important than his costumers that actually pay him I wasn't going to hire him, and I walked out and called a different lawyer who actually read my case and told ME what I had done wrong and why I was going to court. He even told me about missed courts I had no idea about, from two years ago. This Al Kola lawyer just wants you to walk in and out with your money basically in his pocket and you on your luck. If i was going to pay him it was because he was going to do his job, not because he sits behind a desk and has a secretary. And THAT is really why I walked out . . .
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Daniel omar

star star star star star
25 Nov, 2017
Great service.
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Mari g.

star star star star star
13 Nov, 2017
He is a great lawyer
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Antonio perez guzman

star star star star star
05 Nov, 2017
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Yonathan castro

star star star star star
12 Aug, 2017
This was by the far the worst lawyer ever. I went to court for cannibis possession and a grinder, no licence ,no insurance,improper lane usage. He listens first but after you pay him. Hes a rude person he doesnt answers yours calls, he doesn't call you back.he didn't asked me for a copy of the tickets. And the day of the court he doesn't call me I have to call him. He doesn't attempt to call you at all. I never seen this before. He doesn't care about you. He cares about your money and oh yeah he charge me 750. Saying he will try to dismiss my charges. The day of the court by then I had my license and my insurance. So the judge automatic dropped my charges. He gave me a ticket for improper lane usage and he gave me 2 months to pay but that's because the judge was being nice to me. But about the cannibis possession and grinder the lawyer they didn't even help me out for nothing. So basically they charge me 500 for that. I gave them my card so they can charge it to my card. They took my information down. I left court and one hour later he's blowing my phone saying that we have to go back to court to re open my case just because supposly my card got rejected when I had money in. I gave them the information and as soon It was approve he hung up on me not asking how did my court go. He doesn't care about you like I said he only wants your money don't go to him . I'm taking my time talking about my experience because I don't want to see people wasted money on a lawyer who doesn't even care for you .
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Marisol almeida

star star star star star
07 Aug, 2017
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