
Top review highlights

As a result of the analysis of reviews about this lawyer, no significant pros were found.
Rude and unprofessional staff behavior, including speaking over customers, hanging up on them, and providing poor customer service
“This company is so rude. I've had the worst experience ever. I don't understand how asking a certain question can irritate them to the point where they speak to you i. the rudest way. Spoke over me as i was talking to them over the phone”
Lack of transparency and responsiveness, with staff refusing to answer questions or provide contact information
“Then she told me no one was in that office multiple times to answer any of my questions and she couldn't do anything directly because her only job is to answer phones I became irritated with her customer service skills said this is F*ing ridiculous and hung up. Less than two minutes later what do you know the woman I was trying to contacts calls directly back to tell me if I continue to ask questions her staff can't answer I can submit them in writing but provided no email or address.”
Disciplinary issues with the lawyer, including a pattern of repeated OWI (Operating While Intoxicated) offenses
“Anthony Epping was arrested and charged with OWI in June 2011. Anthony pled guilty in August 2011 and listed it as his first offense. However, Anthony previously pled guilty to a separate OWI in 2007. As a result, Anthony was disciplined by the Iowa Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Board for "A pattern of repeated offenses."”
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