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Michael terry
06 Apr, 2021
Absolutely the worst service. No straight answers and rude.
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Shawna lewis
17 Mar, 2021
Make sure you ask for ALL the details of your bill because they will fail to mention critical information - I was told that the down payment I was trying to make was not “in the best interest of their client” and my bill would “just sit there” until I came up with a suitable down payment. Here we are, 3 months later and I’m able to finally make a payment only to find out that they’re in the process of starting garnishments. When I called to question this, Beverly told me that they only give you 30 days to come up with a suitable payment - conveniently enough this information was omitted from our previous conversation. She was extremely rude and not very knowledgeable, making assumptions about my account without having any of my information pulled up. When I called again today to move forward with making a down payment I spoke with Michelle who was also extremely rude and unprofessional. I get the feeling that it must be as awful to work for Hodges & Adams as it is to call and deal with them because everyone seems to have a terrible attitude there. I’d honestly be embarrassed for my name to be associated with this business. I hope to NEVER have to deal with this company (or lack there of) again.
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J jones
04 Mar, 2021
These are THE rudest people that I’ve ever spoken to! I’m not going to go into full details of what was said to me. However, I would like to give a little advice! You NEVER know what people are going through, The way that I was spoken to was uncalled for! I literally almost had an anxiety attack after speaking with someone there. I inquired about the bill that I’d paid in full and was disrespected! I pray that you all find it in your heart to be nice to EVERYONE that calls your office no matter what! I’m happy that I was able to pull myself together but you never know what people are going through and you may just be the reason to send them over the edge. JUST BE PROFESSIONAL AND NICE!
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Jessica neill
14 Jan, 2021
This law firm is sketchy and terrible. They go after people who are struggling. Their scam is bad and they should feel bad.
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Kent johnson
23 Nov, 2020
They are threatening to have my wife or I thrown in jail as an “eye opener” if we don’t pay them what they want, when they want it. When asked how throwing us in jail and potentially having us lose a job, will help us pay our medical bills, we were told, “that’s just how the program is”. During a pandemic, right before the holidays, and given these are medical expenses, these people have no heart and no sympathy.
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Iris c
11 Nov, 2020
I have not spoke to 1 person in that law firm that was the least helpful. They are the rudest when all I'm trying to do is fix past mistakes. God forbid anyone makes a mistake and has to try and resolve it with those folks. Good luck!
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Ebay seller
08 Nov, 2020
Short and simple I have had mixed experiences. They are probably OK or they would be sued by now but on a scale of 1-10 on professionalism I give them a 3.
Call them and work out a payment plan you can afford. It will be an annoying process because they keep hanging up on people. It is probably a tactic they use on certain personalities to scare you. Not necessary if they sue you, because you will pay them or they can take your money. So, no reason to be oddly rude to callers. You can't lie LOL they know what you own, where you work - if you do, what you have you at their mercy, legally.
Hospital bills can be a LOT of money so if it is too much just go to a lawyer and file for bankruptcy and wash your hands of it. NOBODY should be sued for seeing a doctor but until we have universal healthcare, we will. The Medical Center never sent me any bills. So, I blame them, but how do I prove I never got a bill?
The agreed judgement I received was not tracked by the USPS which I would if I were a lawyer, but they did throw in a pre-paid envelope for me. Their papers seem standard, do what you agree to do and we won't make life difficult for you. Don't do it and you'll likely want a bankruptcy. Work out an agreement, if they obtain an actual judgement it costs more for you. If you get a paper saying you paid off a debt, keep it, ask your lawyer about it. I see they tried to get more money from someone years later, that's illegal.
They give no receipts - use your bank account as a paper trail or money order. Do the math, they can only take 20% by law of the amount collected and that includes court fees. Yes, you not only pay for filing and serving but you pay them for suing you LOL.
They don't seem to want to give you in writing what you actually owe. Probably because they have to leave it open since if you don't pay you will incur more fees. But it's worth a question. If you are served, take all your money out of bank accounts. If things go wrong and they win a judgement they can take your money, your spouses money, if it's a joint account, even your social security once it hits your bank account which IS protected from garnishment but anything in a bank account is fair game. Consider keeping little money in the bank until the situation is settled. Pay your bills, but take care of yourself too. Collectors have no right to make your life impossible. This firm is kind of smarmy. Cover yourself if they sue you. Only trust your lawyer. And get everything in writing.
Lastly IF THEY REFUSE TO GIVE YOU A RECEIPT AND THEY HAVE TOLD YOU YOU HAVE SETTLED THE DEBT CALL THE CLERK AND ASK IF YOUR CASE HAS BEEN DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE. If so, they cannot come back later and say you owe more money on THAT case. It's a settled case. They would have to file a NEW case against you and you have the right to challenge that. So, IDK what is up with people getting hit with bills years later. There really is no SOL on cases once you get sued, and if it is never dismissed with prejudice they can keep suing you even years later.
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Natalie proffitt
08 Oct, 2020
I too, like most have had a horrible experience. When talking to the lady, she belittled me, even yelled. When I asked for more information, she very rudely told me to hold. When asked to speak with someone above her, it was a no. I’ve been alive for 34 years and she had the least decency about a person that I have ever heard. A law firm that treats clients like this??
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Terri morris
02 Oct, 2020
I’ve had to call these people three times over a bill. Every single time I have called, the person on the other end is rude. No home training at all. You’ve got people like myself that are trying to get the money to them and they act like you are worthless. I would bet money that I make more an hour then your little reception job. The way the world is today, is it so hard to be nice to the next person? You never know what they are going through or have been through. JUST BE NICE. It don’t hurt you!
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19 Sep, 2020
Essence smith
26 Aug, 2020
This place is full of the rudest people ever. I understand you guys want your money, but you can't even try to be nice to the workers on the phone, or try to get an understanding on your account without them smarting off to you. So unprofessional and makes you seem like you are worth less than the gum on the bottom of their shoe. I've met one nice worker through this whole process and I honestly couldn't believe it then. Just make sure you give them their money and make the phone call short and dry - Even in the middle of a pandemic they don't have any patience. So sad this is what it resorts to!
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Maria wemyss
01 Jul, 2020
Such horrible people! They lie and can't seem to get it together!
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