08 Sep, 2014
As a first time offender, I was facing a felony charge a possible 10 year prison term. I was so afraid, and ashamed of my actions that led me to seek his assistance to begin with. However Asim made me feel so comfortable, as if I were speaking with a trustworthy friend that I knew would never judge me. I left the Law Office of Miguel Palmeiro, LLC assured that Asim would represent me to the best of his abilities, all because he loves practicing LAW, and helping those in need of representation. Needless to say Asim superseded my expectations during my court proceeding. I received the best judgement (no felony charge, and probation before judgement,) all thanks to his hard work and natural talent. He is truly fulfilling his destiny!
“The secret of joy in work is contained in one word – excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.”
-Pearl S. Buck
Thank you again, Asim A. Humayun, Esq
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