17 Feb, 2016
In October of 2015, I needed an attorney to represent me in the Salem, Massachusetts District Court. It was a case that hinged not only on personal attacks, but included this person injuring my name and my business on the internet. My cousin, knowing how upset I have been about this and that I had finally gone to the Courthouse without representation in September to file a complaint in an attempt to put a stop to it, told me about a lawyer friend of hers and encouraged me to contact him so he could represent me. I called Attorney Fiore Porreca, and within a few minutes of speaking with him, I discovered a quality demeanor and a respect for women that was of the highest caliber. I gave him the information that I had, and in his very warm yet professional way, he said, “Let us proceed with this.”
The first hearing date was October the 13th; when we arrived at the Courthouse, the defendant’s attorney was there and Attorney Porreca respected him with the utmost kindness. I said to myself, “He truly treats this man as a brother in accordance with the Massachusetts Courtroom Protocol.”
The defendant was not present and the Judge selected another date for the hearing, which was now to be held on October 28th. On that day, we came into the Courtroom, however, the defendant’s original attorney had taken ill and he had to obtain an attorney who happened to be at the Courthouse that day. Mr. Porreca’s behavior was impeccable. He did everything according to the Law. His respect for the defendant and for his attorney reflected his respect and intention for due process to proceed; he gave the new defense attorney the information he would need from us to bring him up to speed in the time he had to prepare for the delayed hearing. The case had a high media presence both in and outside of the courthouse. We used the time afforded by the delay to go and discuss our case at a nearby coffee shop. Attorney Porreca handled the entire circumstance with flexibility and professionalism. Needless to say, with Attorney Porreca’s knowledge and expertise, the Judge, upon hearing the evidence, issued a harassment order against the defendant.
What I am trying to say here is, every aspect of Attorney Porreca’s behavior was for Justice; he cares for the client, he cares for the law and will do the best for anyone coming to him seeking Justice. I would recommend him most highly. He is a caring family man and human being of the highest order. I would recommend him to anyone in need of help. He preserved the dignity of a woman of seventy-five years of age who was being abused, and he upheld the law of this Commonwealth. Along with Attorney Porreca, I am grateful to the Judge for all he did to make my life better than it has been for the past five years of my involvement with this stressful and exhausting circumstance.
From here on, Attorney Porreca will handle all legal matters for me, my family, and all who approach me seeking a referral. I will encourage all who need his help to seek him out. What I know for sure is, they will be happy that they have met him and experienced his expertise in law and his ability to care; the Humanity in this man is above reproach.
Lori B
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10 Feb, 2016
Mr Porreca helped me with my case . While we were in court he cited legal precedents that won the case. I was very nervous about going to court and he made me feel more comfortable.
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