
Top review highlights

Highly skilled and knowledgeable attorney who is professional, compassionate, and committed to her clients
“Amy is friendly, responsive, thorough, knowledgeable and happy!”
Excellent legal writing and advocacy skills that lead to favorable outcomes for clients
“Jill's legal writing was some of the best I've ever seen. It was superb, and one wonders if she will be writing opinions some day.”
Firm provides a collaborative team approach, with partners and associates working together effectively on client cases
“I felt that I was in good, competent hands, and that the wider firm was working in concert on behalf.”
Slow response time and lack of attention to important details can lead to delays and missed deadlines
“The turn around on inquiries was often multiple days, and while I was generally tolerant of that, on one or two occasion that really hurt things.”
Clients may not be properly informed about important legal requirements and procedures
“You would certainly mention the mandatory rule 410 disclosure, which I only found out about while interviewing my next lawyer (90 days late).”
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