
Top review highlights

Excellent performance and strong reputation in the courtroom
“Stu did an excellent job in Kalamazoo county as assistant prosecutor. He is very sharp and in the court room he is who you wanted to represent you.”
Passionate and dedicated to his work
“He is passionate about his work and everyone as well as law enforcement had the utmost respect for the job he did.”
Unprofessional conduct and rude demeanor during official duties
“Extremely unprofessional during job duties. Makes comments like 'this is like shooting monkeys in a barrell' loud enough where members of the gallery can hear.”
Concerns about the justice system's handling of serious criminal cases
“I wouldn't give them a star they let a volunteer firefighter who raped a 6 year old go after serving a year it's so wrong. Where is the Justice for the 6 year old”
Perceived leniency towards criminals with "medical problems"
“My experience with Otsego County, if you commit a crime...... you can claim you have a 'medical problem' and they set you free with no jail time.”
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