
google maps

Google Maps

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1.8 279 reviews

Richard runston

star star star star star
04 Dec, 2019
Google Maps

John schrammel

star star star star star
29 Nov, 2019
Reading most of the comments are kinda funny,knowing the fact that you got yourself in that situation on not paying your debt. I had a outstanding debt and i got a letter from this firm stating the debt i owe and if i dont do anything about it,legal action will take place. i forgot about responding back and i was taken to court. I made a payment plan with the firm, made the payments on time and was told that interest will be added on everyday and i was ok with that because i knew i got myself in this mess. so, if you got a outstanding debt with this firm and was taken to court..set up a plan and pay it..its that simple.
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Noah roach

star star star star star
20 Nov, 2019
Place is a joke. So are the people you talk to.
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D t

star star star star star
20 Nov, 2019
Had to deal with them for the first time. Started getting garnished on a credit card from almost 10 years ago that I forgot a small balance on. Talked to a few reps to try and get a little more info on this account, such as original balance, how the amount got so high, other payment options to help pay off faster, things of the nature, and they all refused to answer anything and would only answer with “Well sir you should have paid this when you had a chance sir.” And was getting a horrible attitude from all reps. I just wanted to work with them to get resolved but they don’t want to work with anyone...
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Mackenzie zier

star star star star star
28 Oct, 2019
They will harass you, and sue you continuously regardless of situation. I've been sued while pregnant, and wage garnishment has been threatened while being a mother of 2 with no income of my own. They refuse to work with you on anything and the second you are late on a payment they restart legal processes and you get even more court fees tacked on. Worst company I've ever had to deal with.
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Kate sopcyk

star star star star star
28 Oct, 2019
Google Maps

Rob lake

star star star star star
22 Oct, 2019
Wow. Don't even think about using them.
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Aileen rheault

star star star star star
09 Oct, 2019
Google Maps

April ann

star star star star star
26 Sep, 2019
Google Maps

Rob l

star star star star star
23 Sep, 2019
They are a collection attorney. Dan Spicer is a good attorney there, but impossible to reach them by phone# posted on their website. I'm sure there's another "backdoor" offline phone number, but they don't give that one out to the general public. Hey Dan, if u get this gimme a call. Lol
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Amy forster

star star star star star
23 Sep, 2019
Google Maps

Phillip christensen

star star star star star
14 Sep, 2019
No hassle upon paying back an old debt.
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