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Yady leiva
21 Dec, 2017
Confío plenamente en la oficina de la abogada Gina Corena y si pudiera darle una puntuación de más de 10 del 0 al 10 pues le daría mucho más, por su profesionalismo y excelente atención!!!
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Yaritza terrero
20 Dec, 2017
Wow yo sin comentario muy agradecido me han dejado sin palabras! No me esperaba tanto! Tiene 100% mis recomendaciones y t mis respetos! No lo puedo creer!
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Julia velarde
13 Dec, 2017
Recibí mi compensación hoy con Gina Corena estoy feliz no lo puedo creer esperaba sólo poco pero ella pelio por mi y no puedo con la emoción de mi compensación
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Mocha & karamelo
22 Nov, 2017
This is the best PI attorney in town. She fought tooth and nails for the best settlement in my case and I️ really appreciate all her hard work and dedication to me and my case!
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Rich goo p
15 Nov, 2017
Glenn Meier. The only name you need to know. A total up and comer. The kind of brain I've only seen in 7th day Adventists and Vegetarians. His ability to come up with creative solutions and innovative arguements is unsurpassed, and his ability to generate bulletproof contracts is like watching poetry in motion. He is the Michaelangelo of the written word. Well done young squire! Glenn Meier, Esq.: two thumbs up. Carry on mate!
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Jerri perez
01 Nov, 2017
Buen trabajo me siento muy satisfecho!!
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James earle
25 Oct, 2017
Dustin Birch ESQ had HIS clients treating physician deposed while under influence on Oct 16, 2017 ..... I guess THEY don't the guard their clients interest or KNOW how to guard..... that was so pathetic. Now it is leak on LIVE LEAK and the patients health records are all over YOUTUBE . HIPPA VIOLATION and with Dustin Birch on record allowing the deposition to happen. WHAT IS THE LAWYERS JOB? OMG Disgrace.
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Rico turner
11 Oct, 2017
Gina corena was the best help me out a lot...and had to deal with my patience...and if there were more stars i would rate her a hundred stars...she was amazing...
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Luis camejo
11 Oct, 2017
Una abogada my agradable y servicial y sobre todo muy preparada la recomiendo 100 %,yo muy feliz y contento sera mi abogada para siempre, gracias gina por todo
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Trina guzman
11 Oct, 2017
She's the best 😘😘😘
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Xiomara hernandez
11 Oct, 2017
Este comentario es para la srita Gina Corena.
Agradecerle por la paciencia y el trabajo que se tomo al defender mi caso estoy bendecida y complacida por sus servicios muy amable y ordenada y eficiente.Se le agradece por priorisar nuestro caso .Muy amable la recomiendo muy clara y profesional para trabajar.Sobre todo explicita y honesta que es lo q se busca hoy en dia dw un abogado.
GRACIAS Y QUE Dios me la bendiga a usted y su equipo de trabajo.Gracias.
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Kim louis
22 Jun, 2017
This law firm contacted me after I posted on avvo.we had an intetveiw and glen ppaternoster excitedly took my case. Agreed to no payment unless we win .period end of statement.I followed all instructions,went to all Dr's apps.for 3 months plus..and waited and waited and for 13 months I waited .finally I got a letter certified and the letter was to inform me that they quit and if I wanted to pursue if better hurry there's only 24 months in which to settle or file a suit and they just waste13 months of I also have an enormous medical file from their Dr's.they insist I this day I still have not been told by this firm why they abandoned me and left me holding the bag.all that bragging during the interview turned out to be nothing but hot air.if I could sue patetnisterw law group for mental anguish and pain and suffering oh you know I would.
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