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4.4 98 reviews

John howarth

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20 Apr, 2017
Google Maps

Johnathan grzybowski

star star star star star
29 Apr, 2014
The Law Offices of Lynda Hinkle exemplifies what a lawyer needs to be in order to become a successful lawyer, in not only in South Jersey but also the world. Lynda has separated herself from the pack, unlike most lawyers that are almost impossible to talk to, she makes herself available to not only her networking partners but also her clients. Using different mediums, especially social media, has allowed Lynda to bridge the gap between a good lawyer and a great one. The reason we choose a lawyer, is because we make a connection with them and they assure us that they will do a good job. Her idiosyncratic her personality, her charm, and most important her intellect (and of course her trusted sidekick, her wonderful dog Petey) has allowed not only Lynda Hinkle personally, but her law office to become one of the most powerful offices in not just South Jersey but throughout the entire state. Lynda, doesn’t sugar coat things. She gives you information in a harsh reality but in a way where it’s comforting and you understand. Hiring a lawyer is difficult, it takes time, and most importantly patience. From Consult to Result, breaks down the barriers and shows you exactly what you need to be looking for when hiring a New Jersey Lawyer. Lynda Hinkle is owning the world that is predominantly ran by men, and living in a “man’s world” she is simply putting them all to shame. Lynda Hinkle out works anyone I have ever met in my life, and if puts as much time caring about others around her, I can only imagine how well she will treat you once you hire her. Lynda Hinkle, works harder than anyone in South Jersey, heck it’s safe to say she works harder than anyone I know. Her work ethic, personality, attitude, and spirit differentiates her from the boys in her industry.
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