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4.8 30 reviews

Leslie guapisaca

star star star star star
08 Nov, 2024
I’m very grateful to Ana Maria Bazán, she helped me, my sisters and my parents with our case from the first day, she is very professional in her work. I highly recommend her, she is the best ✨
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Braulio guaman

star star star star star
29 Oct, 2024
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Sebastian salcedo

star star star star star
05 Jun, 2024
I highly recommend. I did my case with the lawyer Ana Maria Bazan from day one , first I got my temporal resident card then the removal of the conditions ,then the citizenship application and I pass my exam all thanks to the great work from the lawyer and her team they are fast and efficient i'm very thankful. Thank you so much !!
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Jom kujirapan

star star star star star
18 Dec, 2023
I highly recommended to Ana Maria Bazan Law firm. Ms.Bazan is very kind and first time i spoke to her, she is very compassion of what she doing. she understand the situation. She made me feel ease. So I decided to go with her firm and team. From started She knows exactly what needs to be done, she will tell you straight forward about everything that relates/needs in your case or could effect your case, which I appreciated her honesty. I feel very confident during the process bc of her. Ms.Bazan and her team made sure we got everything required so there will be no delaying or anything complications. My case got approved withthin 10 months under her firm. (Generally time is 12-24 months) Thank you to Ms.Bazan. Everything went so well and fast. I am so thankful I found her.
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star star star star star
11 Nov, 2023
Hola, Mi nombre es Constantino Hernández, yo obtube en abril mi estatus de visa U, gracias Al trabajo de la Abogada Ana Maria Bazan, Quiero hacer publico mi agradecimiento a ella y sus colaboradores, por su gran trabajo y el empeno que pusieron que no se si lo hagan con todos pero yo senti una atencion muy especial en lo particular. Yo como toda mi familia estamos muy contentos con su trabajo y la forma de ayudarnos. MUCHAS GRACIAS ABOGADA.
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star star star star star
11 Nov, 2023
Hola soy Sandra Palacios muchas gracias por todo el apoyo que nos a brindados. Usted nos aclara cualquier duda y nos explica paso por paso lo que se debe de hacer ❤️
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Elisa aguilar

star star star star star
27 Apr, 2023
Estoy muy feliz y agradecida con dios de ponerla en nuestro camino de aver encontrado una gran abogada como la señora ana Maria Bazan es una persona muy profesional porque iso un excelente trabajo yo la recomiendo al 100%
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Jose aguilar

star star star star star
27 Apr, 2023
Estoy muy agradecido de aver conocido a una gran abogada cómo la señora Ana María Vazan , gracias a ella pudo realizar el sueño de mi hija de tener su estatu migratorio . Es una gran abogada en quien puedes confiar con seguridad , la recomendamos al 100% , también es muy profesional y muy responsable.
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Tomasa guerrero

star star star star star
13 Apr, 2023
Hola soy la sra Guerrero estoy muy agredecida con la abogada Ana Maria vasan por su exelente trabajo estoy muy Feliz muchas gracias abogada
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Annisha starr

star star star star star
12 Apr, 2023
I waited to post this review as to be my most calm. My husband's green card was denied. He and I called around to see what our next step should be. We spoke to many lawyers for free who gave us great advice. Last on our list was Ana Bazan. She charged $175 to talk and we could tell she was in a hurry. However, in the short time frame, she instilled so much fear in my husband. She preyed upon his desperation! She mentioned him being deported immediately. However, other lawyers advised that there would be a trail before deportation. She talked over us and was abrupt. However, the fact that she brought up appealing instead of starting the entire process from the beginning, my husband liked this idea. So, we paid her $6,000 fee ($3,000 upfront) plus filing fees. But then she forgot a deadline and called us for $200 in mailing fees. Then right before Christmas, she asked for the rest of her money. We explained that we thought she would be paid when the case was over. She said the case is ALMOST over and forwarded us a document we signed that we would pay her. We paid her to remain in good standing even though we didn't agree. We drove to her office to sign paperwork. She peeked out the door to her waiting room and said something about my husband and I being a beautiful couple. She never invited us to her office or tried to shake our hand. We thought this was strange. We were called later for $150 in postage fees. We asked for a receipt for this. We were told we would be given her receipts at the end of the case.(The case that she said was over about a month ago). A couple months went by and my husband and I notified Ana's office that we moved. Ana took a week or two to respond (no updates or check-in during this time). Ana explained that is would be $250 to change our address. I told Ana there aren't any filing fees to change our address and that I already sent off the paperwork. I was told that I would messed up! I received a letter from UCIS a week and half later confirming that they received my change of address. Weeks later, we received a denial for our appeal. My husband and I already decided that we didn't want to continue with Ana, just based off her work ethic, but we wanted to end our relationshipon good terms. The entire conversation was how her and her team did not make any mistakes and that this has never happened before. She began giving her prices to start the process from the beginning (like the previously called lawyers suggested). She quoted $7,000 as her fee...which is the amount we already threw away working with her! Then she added $9,000 if we want her to start our case immediately! We told her we were tapped out. Then she began asking how much money I make a year. My husband told Ana that I have student loans and we just moved. Ana stated that she asked me. I calmly answered, I believe my husband answered her. Ana then asks why I have an attitude problem. I was confused and told her I didn't. After a back and forth of "No, I dont!" and "Yes, you do!" Ana says, "That's probably why you lost your case, because of your attitude problem!" We argued and I hung up on her. She called my husband back and apologized and said she was unprofessional! I feel like we paid $7,000 to be right where we began in our situation yet disrespected by someone who was supposed to help (and we're not rich)! Beware of Ana Bazan the sore losing money chaser. She attacked my character, ( funny because she once said my husband and I are so nice, naive even). I will now go through all the proper channels for her to be dealt with!
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Maria sanchez

star star star star star
04 Apr, 2023
Quiero agradecer primeramente a Dios por darnos esta oportunidad en este país de grandes oportunidades. También a la abogada Ana María Bazan por su gran esfuerzo y trabajo profesional y la asesoría que me han brindado a lo largo de estos años en mi proceso migratorio. De la misma manera estoy profundamente agradecida con la abogada Ana María Bazan por su ayuda incondicional con los trámites de mis hijas ,muchas gracias por ser una abogada amable, honesta y sobre todo de confianza. Espero así mismo que otras personas puedan tener paciencia de esperar en los tiempos de procesamiento de sus trámites, ya que con un poco de paciencia todo se puede Gracias abogada Ana María Bazan por todo su ayuda , Dios le bendiga siempre Atentamente: María Sánchez
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Gladyz gecg

star star star star star
30 Mar, 2023
La abogada Ana Maria Barzan ,cambio mi vida, agradesco mucho a todo su equipo de trabajo que dedicaron al 100 por 100 en sacar adelante mi caso migratorio, hoy puedo decir que gracias Ala Abogada y su equipo de trabajo hoy en día estoy completamente legal aquí en este país ,no me queda mas que agradecer infinitamente toda la dedicación y la confianza que me brindaron para solucionar mi estatus de residencia ,Abogada Maria Barzan Dios me la bendiga porque gracias a ud hoy tengo mi residencia permanente ,
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