Top review highlights
Provides excellent legal advice and keeps clients well-informed throughout the process
“I got excellent advice and was always better informed about what to expect and what was happening than my former wife throughout the process.”
Helps clients navigate complex legal matters like prenuptial agreements and family court issues
“Over the years, I had questions which arose in connection with a possible prenuptial agreement and thoughts of remarrying. Ultimately, Ron prepared a prenuptial agreement which was executed by my now wife and I; it took a lot of the anxiety out of getting remarried after the first unpleasant go-around.”
Understands the emotional and financial challenges of divorce and works to protect clients' interests
“Ron explains every step of the divorce process and makes sure you are 'protected' during what may be a very difficult journey. Ron understands the necessity to do what is right for your children. Ron works hard to allow you to keep the assets you are entitled to.”
Can be slow to respond to client inquiries
“He is a bit lax calling you back, but his staff is friendly and doesn't nickle and dime you.”
May not always provide the most tailored legal services, particularly in collaborative divorce proceedings
“Ultimately, after months of delay, he presented an extraordinarily long document consisting of primarily sections pasted from a template that included almost none of the essential issues that had been negotiated.”