
Top review highlights

Persistent and informed in negotiations with insurance companies, resulting in a favorable settlement for the client
“He was persistent, informed, kept my options open, and I got a lot more money than if I would have done it myself.”
Extremely prepared and capable in handling various legal matters, including case management conferences, contested motion hearings, and settlement conferences
“Joe was always prepared and handled the matters capably.”
Compassionate and trustworthy, genuinely concerned about the client's well-being
“He was genuinely concerned about my physical and mental health throughout the process after the crash.”
Diligent in attention to detail and thorough in case preparation, ensuring no corners are cut
“His attention to details is amazing. He guaranteed that our case was well prepared and that we cover all of our basics at all times. No cutting corners.”
Effective and organized in the courtroom, with the ability to control the situation and have all necessary details at hand
“His organization method allowed him to have every detail needed at his fingertips. I couldn't be more satisfied with him and his team.”
Misleading online profile that does not accurately represent the lawyer's professional appearance and demeanor
“First off, his profile is extremely misleading, representing a professional attorney. Not the case at all! This guy is so incredibly unprofessional in how he talks to people.”
Unprofessional appearance, including excessive makeup and unconventional hairstyle and accessories, which made the client uncomfortable
“His appearance is also terrible, not in slightest way professional. His face had so much makeup on it it made me uncomfortable, his earrings and hair-I am certain he is a transgender.”
Unprofessional office environment, with the building being old, rundown, and unprofessional looking
“I also have to say that his office building was very old, rundown, and unprofessional looking.”
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