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Denea triplett
08 Jan, 2025
I had an excellent experience with each team member I interacted with. I would highly recommend this firm to anyone needing family law advice or services. Sarah Conrad handled my case with profound professionalism and care.
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David samples
06 Jan, 2025
I was talking to an Attorney who came after me. We talk less than half an hour to file BK I thought at that time i should and he said to give him a deposit of $705.50 and less than three week later I change my mind. I ask for my deposit back and he said I sign an agreement and I have no record of me signing anything or I would have copies. Now HE want to Keep $600.00 of it saying that was his time. What for 15-20 min on the phone. When did you ever discuss with me about your hourly fees. You told me it was a flat $1400.00 to file. That is BS and I will report you and your firm to the BAR ASSOCIATION. WOW!!! HOW SAD!!!
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Wesley matthews
26 Dec, 2024
This company is a scam front. Do not reply to their emails or texts. They are a professional phishing company. My credit score is literally 850. Pretty sure I don’t owe anyone money. I am in law enforcement. Pretty sure there isn’t a warrant for my arrest. I paid cash for my college degree (when college was cheap) so pretty sure I don’t have any outstanding student loans. Don’t ever contact me again.
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Seth shepherd
03 Dec, 2024
I initially Hired them because I was getting sued for old debt. After paying them $550 they told me they settled with The opposing council To pay the full balance. It’s like they didn’t even try. I could’ve got the same outcome By not hiring them. Will never return
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That girl
30 Nov, 2024
They when you call to talk to your attorney it takes forever for him to get back to you.
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Savanah vansteenberg
18 Nov, 2024
John has been a great help with handing all phone calls and my documents that needed to be done for the next step. John was able to answer all my questions and made sure I knew what was going on with every step. I have never had a problem with them getting back to me, even when it’s 6:00 at night. Highly recommend!
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Jeff massie
06 Nov, 2024
I'm jef pstient my mom Lorraine e. Massie had ben takin I. Agiasnt her will to sion.medical center she was ok on oxygen heart lungs kidneys properly she always took her meds as prescribe no problems no signs k8dney bad or failing she had no problems with hear i facts had watchman put I. Hel0 her heart blood flow all from heart house in springfiield ohio lung docotore imaging center hospital springfield regional iladd number one at
end of this case sion rohht off said lungs weak heart kidney water in it tissues all said need bipap wich add lit 0xygen or lot less if ulook it up in internet itl tel u bipap dose .... then Al reports heart lung family dictore was ok on a average function but family doctore had bed bed side manner at time water in legs leg swell took water pills get rid it it was t heart failing her heart good.... lungs tok kid eys good working properly but sion over reacted got paranoid said heart real weak lungs nit strong enought kidneys bad failing water in tissues all was t true tgen u aighta knobu do t tel em ur there for hospital sion will they please!! Thatvtgey did Lorraine massie bettyvshewas goid at med alert knew take but our family member rosalee over powrto. Takin meds away she needed til nurse step 8n stop her thstbus abuse neflecy sion had also neglected abuse Lorraine no physical therapy 4 weeks thentook hr off bipap tgey dud bout kil my mo.doug massie in conttomslkiwe it busenmy mom neglect her vocabulary her speech her wil eat talk mover her arms four day wudbtear cis tge sion. Did her my brothers Doug mark Tim rosalee 2 am tgey took off bipsp mom cryn wabt out!!! Go home Doug refuse kept her in agisbt her will Doug massie did ti mark rosalee kept her I. Afisbtbher wil slowed abuse neglect from do tires pumping er meds that was strong too strong why tge not eat four days talk tgey fail tge care the right medication shecresly didn't need them as itold uni beginning ther e nothing wrong her body her her kidneys heart lungs then dion sent me. Pam health rehabilitation Doug said oh they get her walking eatn talking it lie he knew it keptbher there sgiasnt her willl!!! my momcryn called 14 tine go hone mark refuse ignore as wel Brianna Doug Tim thenmark hid 0xygen machine get her out rosaleehid her purse pone cudntmakecdesperate call crying atv87 wid let these btch.... ruin her body !! Tgeyvdid mark Tim Doug ros as Lee massue had set out kill Lorraine massie my mom hel0le stilfter 8vweek not walking cos no physical therapy?! So now Pam fail to do heyer job lifeblood we ord tear h er arm up black blue then meds killing her one point calme wanted outbicsl mark bout oxygen machine he lie said lost plus ponecreguse give but cosbit wabthrr cal get help get out! Al dhewabt go her housec do her own work mark timdiug rosakee sionpam forestglen killed Lorain tges e t on as repeat tilseot 17 kil mymom didn't try save e her keptme awayvmymom not tekvtgey did my mo suinfaiksave cud of adjust oxygen!! They tuin her Doug mark Tim rosalee massie !!! Said tgey cause kidney shut down heart stop getvweak tgen lungs get weak use tgatvas a normal natural causes it lie rembervphydical tgeraoy 3 month no physicsl therspy so igot let sionnot conetec cal mail orilbe arrested? Wen tgey kil my mom wrongfully negkeckbavuse death trybthis that ne try this that next med see hapon dealtgatvwat went on herevthree months so sion killed along nyvbrothers Doug no.5132832225v sion 9372073535 as in ponebook marks rosakee 9373253535
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Nicholas smith
02 Nov, 2024
Leo was very friendly and helpful getting my bankruptcy taken care of
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Misty dawson
21 Oct, 2024
From the first call to handling a minor hiccup with staffing, they have been amazing helping and explaining. Marc G was super quick, helpful, and efficient.
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Becky speziale
11 Oct, 2024
I can not thank you Leo enough for all his help. He got my case moving and all the documents were done perfectly.
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Shelly street
08 Oct, 2024
Kisha kirksey
08 Oct, 2024
Leo was great helping me get all my documents together great personality I really enjoyed our conversation and how he deal with me not knowing anything about this he made it so easy for me
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