Overall rating
16 Apr, 2016
Greg was most helpful for my husband in handling a case regarding a predator lender. He was most knowledgeable, helpful, attentive and resolved the matter in a way that was entirely to our benefit. We would highly recommend his services to anyone who has consumer issues. Thanks, Greg!
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11 Dec, 2012
Greg is very knowledgeable, capable, experienced and follows up with you and lets you know what going on with your case. I wish I had known about him 10 years ago because he would've saved me thousands of dollars from credit card companies that were contacting me regarding debts from the 90s. If you are having debt collection issues, have bad credit, have credit card companies and collection agencies chasing you down I would strongly recommend Greg.
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25 Jan, 2012
Attorney Gregory Reichenbach was highly recommended to me by an attorney who represented me in a previous lawsuit. After careful thought, I decided to use his services, and he really is good. He was easy to get in touch with. He listened to me and spent enough time on the phone with me. He understood what I wanted and helped me to make good decisions. He explained my case to me thoroughly and treated me politely and respectfully. He made me feel comfortable about asking questions and kept me up to date on what was happening.
Attorney Reichenbach is so professional, extremely knowledgeable, and is good at what he does: protecting consumers from unfair and deceptive business practices, including abusive debt collection. He helped me win a settlement. I will recommend him to anyone who needs the services of an honest and reliable attorney.
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18 Jan, 2012
I found Greg through NACA (National Association of Consumer Advocates). After hearing my case (being sued by 3rd party debt collector and getting nowhere handling my own case pro se in Ashland Municipal Court), he pointed out the pros and cons of Chapter 7 and when it seemed the right way to go in my circumstance, he very capably guided me through an otherwise difficult and awkward process. At no time did I feel like I was on an assembly line, given a number, and impersonally rushed through anything. At the same time, he was responsive and didn't dilly dally and do a lot of hand holding. At no time did he belittle me or display any frustration with me even though I was basically clueless about a lot of things (less so today!). In this upside down, crazy world, it is so important to have a foundation you can count on and not feel taken advantage of or simply herded along for the sake of expedience. He was very accessible throughout and always was responsive to my questions in a timely manner.
When it came time for my 341 meeting of creditors, he was there throughout the entire meeting and made me feel at ease and confident. Greg had filed all the necessary paperwork properly and compiled all the information the trustee needed, so the meeting went without a hitch. Naturally, I'm glad the whole process is behind me, but I certainly don't regret the choice I made. There comes a time when you have to stand up for yourself and determine to stop being a stupid door mat and not allow yourself to be "victimized" any longer.
Greg Reichenbach comes highly recommended.
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07 Sep, 2011
Gregory Reichenbach is a highly professional, responsive and knowledgeable attorney.
I was surprised by a bank garnishment from Discover Bank who was being represented by one of the largest collection attorney agencies in Ohio (Weltman, Weinberg and Reis).
I pulled my case files from court, did days and days of research only to find my rights were being violated because State and Federal laws were being broken. I consulted with about 20 different attorneys in central Ohio who only wanted to settle or help file bankruptcy instead of acknowledging my evidence that Ohio and Federal laws had not been followed in my case. Finding Greg after about 4 months of searching was almost like finding a needle in an Ohio hay stack. When meeting with Greg I was pleased to find a very knowledgeable and honest attorney who took interest in my evidence. Finally someone who practices law was willing to stand up for the rights I knew I had. Within 2 months Greg was able to have a 6 year old default judgment dismissed with prejudice and vacated.
Ohio is one of the most unfriendly states to debtors when it comes to debt collection which in turn puts consumers at risk of unfair debt collection by creditors. However, both State and Federal laws are surprisingly broken more times than you can imagine. But they must be followed and Greg’s vast knowledge concerning the FDCPA and Ohio Consumer Law is a consumer’s best defense in my experience if rights and laws have been violated. The respect I have for Greg Reichenbach still grows today as he continues to take interest in my case and I hope others out there like me will be fortunate enough to find his counsel.
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