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4.9 16 reviews

Laura smith

star star star star star
12 Sep, 2019
Google Maps

Chris fulmer

star star star star star
07 Aug, 2018
Penni helped us put together a Will, Power of Attorney and Advanced Directive. It was so easy because Penni was so helpful. She explained everything very clearly and would offer up what she did on the more confusing parts, but we always felt like we were empowered to make the right decisions for us. I highly recommend working with her.
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Sarah reddy

star star star star star
06 Jun, 2017
Google Maps

Marty griffin

star star star star star
06 Mar, 2014
We had our trust revised and our wills reviewed and were very impressed with the care and service we were given. We plan on using be using this firm whenever a lawyer is needed.. Her service is anything but mechanical. We were not rushed and were given suggestions concerning changes we were looking for. I highly recommend her to anyone.
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