Overall rating
24 Jun, 2011
Judith made the process of putting together important documents (power of attorney, living will, health care proxy) easy and enjoyable. I left feeling confident with the quality of the documents and my understanding of them.
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23 Jun, 2011
Taking care of this business was made easy with Judith. Sign up for a session. Don't delay, feel the magic during and after you have your affairs in order. Rest easy now, R.I.P. forevermore. It's a great way to demonstrate your love for the important people in your life, including yourself.
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Ee miller
22 Jun, 2011
I couldn't have predicted how meaningful it would be to take care of my Health Care Proxy, Living Will, and Power of Attorney. Judith did a great job of explaining each document, helping me to clarify my intentions. I appreciated doing this in a group atmosphere because I benefited from other participants questions and I still had a private moment with Judith to go over details. I encourage people not to avoid these decisions. Having these documents feels like a loving gesture to my loved ones and myself. It was so fabulous to accomplish this in an evening with other people cheering each other on and good snacks.
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