Overall rating
28 Oct, 2022
This dude is terrible, probably too old at 79 to practice. This bulldog now wouldn’t pass as a cocker spaniel! At best a paper pusher, not for court anymore.
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07 Sep, 2022
I've been blessed to converge with George over 13 years ago. He has literarily saved my life and the generations to come. He will fight for you as no one else will and he quite frankly speaking, never loses! He is super responsive, super intelligent, super smooth, and simply a super lawyer. Hiring George is an investment, not an expense, and if you had other attorneys in your life, this experience will make you wish you had met him sooner. Anyway, we all love George and you will too, not only bc of his pleasant mannerisms and making things easy to understand but bc he is a great renowned Legal Warrior! Go get em!
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19 Feb, 2015
Let me start by saying most lawyers are horrible ! This does not apply here. George loves the law and all the intricacys of it. George is a professional and loves what he does and is respected not only by his peers but the system as well. He brings class and dignity to the profession like no one else. Better call Saul, more like better call Heitzman !
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