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02 Mar, 2016
She is the guardian on a family members estate. Some family members asked to have certain heirlooms but instead she decided to auction them off with out notifying anyone. Since then she has reduced the price of the house from $390,000.00 to $289,000.00 witch dont cover the money she had paid out to have it rezoned to commercial property. Every time we have to deal with her she is very rude dont return phone calls and don't take into conserdation on what is best for the person she is gaurdian over.
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18 Jan, 2015
she was appointed by the court as my grandmothers gaurdian. several family members offered to perform services free of charge and miss Stauffer s responce was that since she was appointed gaurdian she can spend my grandmother s money how ever she wants. all i can say if you have to deal with her RUN she spent over a quater million of my grandmothers money in less than 2 years and now has my grandmothers house up for sale against her will.
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