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1.0 8 reviews

Dennis freytes

star star star star star
07 Jan, 2025
This is where the corrupt judges get to find out who has made conduct complaints about them.
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Thomas b

star star star star star
18 Sep, 2024
They seem to be using this organization as a political weapon against democrats?
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star star star star star
19 Jan, 2024
Judicial ethics opinions should be public. Redact names if you must, but advisory opinions on what PA judges should or should not be doing should be public info available to everyone. Your complete lack of transparency does not engender trust in your corrupt court system. Then again, most judges probably will not seek out an opinion, anyway.
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Jesse pellow

star star star star star
25 Nov, 2023
Theh worst bueaucratic organization in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. They won't even investigate when you offer them proof of fraud and incompotence. Don't even bother. What a waste of time. They are supposed to uphold dignity in the courtrooms of Pennsylvania but really they just protect their own.
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I.q. from the 215 “i.q.” #theshepherd

star star star star star
26 Jan, 2022
Are we allowed to draft fake court documents? No! It is illegal. My case should be reversed. The other party served false court documents. The notary is not an attorney, making this very illegal! Please get a multicultural conduct board. Who investigates white Democrats that openly break the law ? Philadelphia Family court is trailer trash, and they perpetuate hundreds of homicides annually. (560) Philadelphia’s homicide rate mirror’s 3rd world conditions. The temperament of the judges reflect “the hood” Time to govern the government. Signed, concerned republican. See images below of fake court documents. Ask the lead investigator what conclusion he’s come to ? Notary and the respondent are both under investigation by department of state.
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Joseph gaudet

star star star star star
09 Mar, 2020
How does it make any sense whatsoever that I sent you a police report with the judges name the judges admission that she called me on the phone and you people still throw out the case yeah now we know you're on the judges side and to hell with the people. We can tell this is just another corrupted government waste of money! I am independent I make my laws now!
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Malik wilkes

star star star star star
12 Sep, 2017
Google Maps

Charles carr

star star star star star
18 Dec, 2015
Sorry to burst your bubble but, you make no sense! How many hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax payer money did you burn to build this "Taj-MA Hall"? You have the latest computer systems. And yet I can not use the internet to file a complaint!? Or in this case add to my already filed complaint!? Are you kidding? What is the sense of the internet forms?
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