Overall rating
09 Feb, 2017
My mother used Howell, Howell & krause for years. After my mother passed I called their firm to inquire about how I get my mothers home put in my name. They briefly explained about the probate process. I was told to send $500 to get started. They would put an ad in the newspaper to see if she has any outstanding debts and they would gather the numbers, evaluate my mothers worth and then we will go from there. After gathering all the information about my mothers financial worth they completed the tax return and mailed it to me with a $21,000 bill without ever discussing it with me. I had no idea that the work was completed or their Fee. The never discussed, or presented a fee agreement. No contract either written or oral existed . We. Never had a fee agreement or contract. I refused to pay Attorney Howell. They sued me for breach of contract for the $21,000. I had to hire an attorney, then A.J Howell told us even if we win the scheduled arbitration hearing he will keep appealing to make me waste money on attorney fees. I am also disabled and now live in Florida. He also said he will keep making me fly up to Honesdale PA knowing I am disabled and the trip is a physical burden on me. He ultimately is an unethical, greedy man. He is currently being investigated for not having a written fee agreement by a Pennsylvania Supreme Court Ethics Investigator. When my attorney told him that he said he doesn't care he has been investigated before and this is how he does business. We had to settle with this man for 15k not to waste any more money on attorney and travel fees.
I also was not able to keep traveling back and forth indefinitely due to being disabled. The trip is literately torturous for me. Which he knew and used to strong arm me into settling out of court. Avoid his law firm at all costs!!!
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