Overall rating
21 May, 2018
This was the attorney that was to help me with my divorce. He did not address any of my issues at any meetings, notification of meetings was always late (or non-existent - even though I had asked him to send notifications in writing due to very bad telepfone reception in the area I lived in). I found out later from numerous other ex-clients that I should not have chosen him for an attorney (he seems to leave a very negative impression on most people that hire him). I have yet to receive a refund (judgement for his payment was assigned to my husband) even though I contacted him numerous times. I was in a bind (due to limited time prior to my court case) and didn't have the opportunity to research attorneys (I had to take the first one that was available). I suggest do your research before you select an attorney (and don't let "ratings" from peer magazines, etc. influence you!), ask for a list of satisfied customers, talk to people at the courthouse, etc. Do your leg work before you are in a bind like me and end up with nobody to speak FOR you!
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