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2.4 5 reviews

Steve everingham

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08 Aug, 2024
They denied me a clear civil rights violation. But the civil rights department in DC accepted it. They are a waste of tax dollars clearly. Its clear they dont understand what the rule of law is.
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Andrew green

star star star star star
13 Feb, 2024
I have not spent extended time in their office but I did drop off papers and they were nice
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Theworld aroundme

star star star star star
08 Sep, 2023
Around 8 years ago I went to get diapers. Came home with a felony charge after having a spot clean record. I was hunting - came home- drank a few - found out I needed diapers ( I have 4 kids ) shouldn't have drove but i did and forgot about the firearms in the vehicle. Did what's called a power stand for a few guys in the parking lot and my tire popped. So a cop showed up I told him yea ik I messed up. Once I was in his car for DUI I remembered the firearms. I had a .22 for squirrel and a side arm for target practice before leaving the private property I was on. So I let the cop know. He tried to meet my family and give it to them but since they didn't answer he had to charge me to log them into evidence. He understood it was a mistake. DUI misdemeanor and carrying without a permit misdemeanor. But they put it together as a felony. Obviously I had an alcohol problem so a few years later I got a disability denial after fighting them for years. I have A.S. a bad hip,back, carpal tunnel and more. I got in an argument with my fiance because I was always sole income sometimes 2-3 jobs. She's never worked so I said something was breaking my fishtank and she called the cops. I sarcastically said tell them I hit you they'll get here sooner. Well when they got here they had it in they're head that I hit her but I didn't. Adventually he kept trying to be argumentive so I said a sarcastic question and they shrugged their shoulders and came at me. I kept saying if I'm under arrest let me know I'll go no problem instead he shot me with a Taser. Then hit me with tuns of charges that I didn't do. Now sober almost 5 years and found a job I could probably do part time they won't hire me. I can't even teach my kids to hunt. I always was a good citizen just had a lapse of alcohol judgement and will never make any mistakes again. When cops go by I get chills. Also I now know of proof audio and video of the arrest that will prove the cops lied. Problem is it has to be requested from state police within 60 days but I didn't know it was even there. I asked my public defender many times and he said there was none. So I called and asked how to get it recently. The state police said the right to know law was changed. I can't get it with open records or anything but it proves the cops lied and hit me with a bunch of charges. Recently I filled a return of property hearing and the judge sided with me for the Police to return my firearm but does not good now that I know I have a felony. This is infringement of my 2ed. I just want a part time job and to teach my kids to hunt. I called the D.A. because a lawyer suggested it maybe I would have some hope or help with this. Basically she told me to leave her alone. Thanks for supporting people who put you in office and pay your salary. Pathetic any government does this to they're people. I'm a good citizen just made mistakes and some I didn't even make.
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On top tree service 484-343-1113

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20 Apr, 2022
Da Debb Ryan is allegiant to the highest BRIBE. Lame and Malpracticing keeps her in a beach house and out of jail. For now....
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Lt. dust

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02 Sep, 2021
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