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Google Maps

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4.2 31 reviews

Patrick palma

star star star star star
07 Aug, 2017
Les recomiendo a Frank es buen abogado, 5 estrellas.....
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Mubarik hassan

star star star star star
22 May, 2017
Google Maps

Frank lindner

star star star star star
08 Dec, 2016
I am writing this review and response to seeing the statements made by Lucy apparently (9) months ago. This post came to my attention today from another client . I have no idea who this individual is. I suspect it is a disgruntled ex something ,but I can assure you that an attorney who misses deportation hearings would not be tolerated by the immigration court or by the clients . I have been practicing immigration law for 20 years I do no advertisements and Rely only on word-of-mouth from my existing clients
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Hasmukh patel

star star star star star
23 Nov, 2016
Google Maps

Elver marloni

star star star star star
19 Nov, 2016
Creo que este es el mejor abogado tubimos muchas complicaciones pero siempre encontro la manera de ganar mi caso gracias a el y sus empleados ahora soy un recidente legal lo recomiendo 100% garantisado
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Lucy gancarz

star star star star star
23 Feb, 2016
Frank can definitely talk the talk don't expect he will walk the walk. As soon as you open that check book things will only go down. One of his assistants opened sealed envelope with my medical records, I had to go through all the tests for the second time, 300$ and few hours of my time. He did NOT show up to my interview at the department of immigration, not even give me a courtesy call. But don't worry nobody there will be surprise he is very well known for not showing up. Advice, take your money and RUN somewhere else
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Linda caudill

star star star star star
23 Oct, 2015
Google Maps
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