14 Dec, 2009
First off I got a DUI. Yeah I pretty much made the biggest mistake of my life. Patrick went through all of the law on it with me and made sure I understood that technically, I would have to do 7 days in jail because of how high my breath test was. honestly I didn't think that could be right because i"d never been in trouble, but my friend said that was true. anyway he got them to come off of the 7 days and I ended up doing the rest of the 2 days in jail and he got them to give me reckless driving instead of the DUI because the cop pulled me over for no reason. i didn't understand why i had to spend time in jail, but the main thing was I got to keep my license. the funny thing was that he was really funny the whole time and told stories on people in the court system and it made it easier to deal with. he seemed to really know the law. i would use him again if anything else came up (which it won't).
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