Top review highlights
Highly knowledgeable and intelligent attorney who is relatable and easy to communicate with
“He is very intelligent and more than willing to meet any client in the middle of his / her situation.”
Dedicated to ensuring the best possible outcome for clients
“This attorney will go above and beyond to make sure you are happy with the outcome of your case.”
Highly responsive and always available to address client needs
“To this day if I need an opinion, I call him and can reach him on his cell phone.... which is UNHEARD OF!”
Provides excellent and professional legal representation
“Truly honored to be represented by a man with such great integrity , character and respect for the law.”
Compassionate and understanding towards clients in difficult situations
“He never made me feel like a criminal and had my back.”
Inconsistent communication and responsiveness to client inquiries
“I have tried in numerous occasions to make contact with attorney, with no success. I understand you are busy, but when I leave you a voicemail twice a week and you still don't answer.”
Provides only the bare minimum legal services without going the extra mile
“You will get the bare minimum from him if that. Does not return calls. Is not helpful.”