Overall rating
17 Apr, 2014
This individual was given twice the fee she asked for for a will. I did this because she had lost a partnership and other jobs and needed the help. She ate at our house once a month for years; my husband and I believed her to be a friend. She was asked about the completion of the will several times over the period of more than a year and she never did anything. We met with her twice more about the will and she still did not do the work she was paid for. Then when my husband died suddenly and very tragically, she dropped the case a month later. Please note she did this AFTER saying, in front of numerous people, including my doctor, that she would help with the paper work and issues resulting form my husband's death. Windel did incalculable damage to me, my relationship with my beloved in laws and my family. At one point, a mere week after my husband's death, I called Candace for a minor kind word as she had been a friend for close to a decade. I was told to "suck it up and get a grip". This was the professional feedback I received. This entire set of actions put me in the hospital and vastly deepened an already deep trauma. I would not rely on her for any legal work. From all I could see she did not know how to handle the work she was paid for and promised to do. A year later I asked for my money back. Candace responded that I did not pay her. After I produced a copy of the cancelled check, she took a month to send me the money when she knew I was in dire need of funds. I believe this "lawyer" to be void of ethics, delights in cruelty and is deeply self involved. And yes, I have written statements from those at the memorial who heard her say she would handle all legal work for free which resulted from my husband's suicide. Such work would not have been extensive. Further, she gave me devastatingly wrong legal advice about my husband's last paycheck. Fortunately I found people who did know what they were talking about who were not even lawyers. I and all who witnessed Windel's actions deeply detest her. I even had one lawyer offer to sue her; but at the time I did not have the meanness or strength to do or for a number of years after. Fee she is void of conscience; her witnessed actions more than prove it.
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