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Janet warthen
30 May, 2023
Daniela and her team did a wonderful job with my case. They walked me through every detail. I never felt like I wasn’t included in the decision making. Thanks to Ronni for recognizing I had a case, thanks to Jonathan, Brett and all that contributed. I would definitely go to them again should I find myself in need of an attorney! Thank you 🙏🏾 all so much!
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Jose7 torres
19 May, 2023
Very helpful people took some time put always want the best for you..very good out come…will recommend!!
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Fernanda ruiz
18 May, 2023
Excelente abogada muy comprometida con su trabajo, ella me ayudó en mi caso y lo resolvió lo mejor posible, siempre pensando en nuestro bienestar, muchas gracias por todo el apoyo de su equipo de trabajo, siempre atentos y responsables! Los recomiendo ampliamente.
Sinceramente M. Fernanda Ruiz
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Cindy alvarez
17 May, 2023
Very professional firm! All very friendly and quickly to respond to any questions you might have. They finished my case pretty quick as well. Thank you!!
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Joyce draycott
06 May, 2023
Judith hernandez
06 May, 2023
Estoy sumamente agradecida con la abogada Daniela Labinoti. Desde que ella tomo mi caso me dio la seguridad de que haria algo por mi. Me dio la confianza y esperanza que nadie mas me havia dado. Despues de tanto sufrimiento, frustracion e insertidumbre tuve la tranquilidad de saver que ella resolveria mi caso. Y aqui esta el resultado, lo logro! Ella con la gran experiencia que tiene y su buen equipo de trabajadores, el cual siempre me hicieron sentir en confianza pero sobre todo que yo no estaba sola en esto. Fue un placer y un gusto averla tenido como mi abogada. Mis hijas y yo le estaremos eternamente agradecidas. Dios la bendiga y siga siendo un rayo de luz en la vida de los demas.
Con cariño y satisfaccion.
Judith Hernandez
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Monica montes
04 May, 2023
Working with Labinoti law firm was a positive experience. I would definitely use her services again if needed and was thankful for all of the support staff that made my experience a pleasant one- especially Ronnie, Mark, and Yvette.
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Luz vilchez
03 May, 2023
To : Mrs . Daniela and all her staff especially Lilly, Mark, Genevieve. Thank you very much for helping me get this fantastic selelment for me .It was a pleasure having all of you work very hard for my case may God bless you Amen.
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Hector gonzalez
19 Apr, 2023
Amber De La Torre is the best she’s above and beyond ever since she took my case, she has been great picks up the phone when she sick and in the hospital she’s committed!!!! Daniela Labinoti you have your self an amazing worker !!!!!!!!
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Karla nava
18 Apr, 2023
This is Guadalupe Nava! I just want to thank you so much for how good job you guys did! Thank you so much to Daniela I am very happy that she worked with me and that she did everything she could for me, I am very grateful to have had met you Daniela, and hoping the best for you every time! Very well done job!
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Felix delariva
14 Apr, 2023
Vanessa bazan
07 Apr, 2023
Amazing support! Everyone was so caring and compassionate. They really took care of all my son's and my needs, going out of their way really recommend the entire team!
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