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25 Jul, 2023
I hired Mr. Brown for a modification/enforcement case and had him on my case for ~2 yrs. The father in my case had been repeatedly and continuously breaking the court order and not allowing possession time with our son because he either 'forgot' or 'wanted to sleep in' or blah blah blah. During what was supposed to be a 2 day trial, Mr. Brown pressured me to settle and agree to terms that I was not comfortable with. He neglected to bring up very important evidence in my case that was submitted to the court during a discovery process (evidence that was against the opposing party) and seemed very disorganized during the trial fumbling through papers, taking very long periods of pause and appearing as if he had no clue what he was going to say next. In my opinion, he knew exactly what he was doing since he had 2 yrs to get to know my case and we prepared for the trial the entire weekend prior. There was submitted evidence of a car accident with my ~6 y/o child and his father on a holiday weekend night at ~1AM where he ran over the median onto incoming traffic lane and hit a boulder and his car was totaled-evidence that questioned possible drunk driving with our child. I was not notified of this car accident and father refused to allow medical treatment of our child despite paramedics advising him to and it was notated on the police report. Mr. Brown did not bring this incident to the attention of the judge and quickly changed the subject during questioning. I became highly suspicious of Mr. Brown's motives. In my opinion, he was not working for me. Mr. Brown also negatively impacted my case as he ignored my numerous emails re: my request for a motion for new trial and I was allowed a certain number of days before my case would not be able to be heard anymore. Well guess what? Mr. Brown waited until <1 week left for the deadline to end and he left me with no time to find other counsel and thus my case was no longer able to be heard in the court. Know why this happened? Because all the evidence submitted against opposing party would no longer be able to be brought up in subsequent motions/trials. The intent was to 'erase history' and erase the violations that the opposing party had committed. Mr. Brown's actions are unethical and immoral. I cannot possibly express my utmost disappointment in this attorney. So many red flags! In my opinion, he has also enabled an abuser to continue with the repetetive abusive and alienating tendencies. And who suffers? My innocent child.
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