Overall rating
Mary sue
28 Aug, 2017
he is an amazing lawyer. could not ask for someone better. The lady he has working for him Chanele (hope the name is spelled right) is just a doll to deal with. She is so nice and sweet over the phone and in person. the office is always up beat and very friendly. My case was handled great. I could not have asked for a better lawyer or a better office!
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02 Nov, 2011
I have a relatively simple traffic court case coming up later this month. Deferred disposition and defensive driving aren't options for me, so, on the advice of a Dallas-area attorney, I sought local counsel.
Now, keep in mind, these types of non-DUI/DWI cases typically take no more than 30 minutes of attorney's time; traffic court lawyers typically charge around $200 to handle such cases.
I first called a local lawyer licensed since 2004 who shall remain...nameless. After describing my case to his rather ...Type B secretary... who sounded quite sleepy (or bored), I received a call back from the secretary, who told me that Mr. Other Lawyer would take my case ...for one thousand dollars. Wha? Did she describe my case to him correctly? We'll never know...
I next called Mr. Kattner, who had also been recommended to me. His secretary sounded intelligent, friendly, asked the right questions, was courteous (all indicators of a great businessperson who, if nothing else, knows how to hire, and retain, excellent employees).
Mr. Kattner indicated that I could probably handle the case myself; he reassured me that I had nothing to worry about; but he said that if I was nervous, he'd be happy to meet me at court, or make a phone call; just call him closer to to the court date and remind him.
Bottom line, I will take Mr. Kattner up on his offer; I will offer him compensation for his time; I will heartily recommend him in the future; I will use him again myself should the need arise.
Mr. 1k Lawyer elsewhere, with the sleepy/bored "ESL" secretary who probably couldn't be bothered to describe my case to--okay, I'll give a hint, Mr. B, Esq.--he gets an F.
Night and day, people. Night.and.Day.
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